West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 11th September 2020

This week, further restrictions have been introduced nationally after sharp rises in infection rates, these include gatherings of no more than 6, and similar to places already in lockdown households cannot mix and there are stricter rules for venues. This is due to the pattern of infections being driven by socialising. Work and education are … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 11th September 2020”

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REDI-Updates 2: Editor’s Welcome: After COVID-19 – The Long Recovery

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates is a bi-annual publication which will get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WM REDI staff and guest contributors will discuss some of the key topics when trying to understand the long-term economic impacts of the pandemic. When the last edition of REDI-Updates was published COVID-19 … Continue reading “REDI-Updates 2: Editor’s Welcome: After COVID-19 – The Long Recovery”

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The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Older Workers

Professor Anne Green looks at the impact of the Covid-19 crisis and lockdown on the employment prospects of different age groups, focusing particularly on older workers and the challenges they face should they get made redundant. Introduction Much of the policy response in the wake of Covid-19 has focused on the plight of young people. … Continue reading “The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Older Workers”

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Policy Briefing – Economic Recovery Post COVID-19: The MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Programme (REAP)

In this policy briefing, Dr Chloe Billing, on behalf of the West Midlands MIT REAP team, discusses the development and analysis of a set of indicators to assess the capability to support Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the West Midlands region. In March 2020, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) launched a pilot in the UK … Continue reading “Policy Briefing – Economic Recovery Post COVID-19: The MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Programme (REAP)”

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West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 4th September 2020

WM REDI has been tasked with providing an up to date monitor of the current COVID-19 economic impacts, on a weekly basis. These reports will help regional partners to shape responses and interventions to boost the region’s resilience so that it can thrive going forward. Each week the focus of the report relates to research … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 4th September 2020”

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Regions in a Time of Pandemic

Professor Raquel Ortega Argiles, writing for WM REDI looks at how the pandemic and lockdowns have disproportionately affected more deprived areas, both in terms of health and finance, as well as other factors including the environment and working conditions. This blog is based on the last editorial of Regional Studies “Regions in a time of … Continue reading “Regions in a Time of Pandemic”

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City-REDI / WM REDI Round Up – August 2020

In the Media The National Institute Economic Review paper recently published by Professor Raquel Ortega-Argiles and Dr Andre Carrascal-Incera was mentioned in the Observer on the 2nd of August 2020. Events ERSA 2020 conference “Spatial Challenges for the New World“, Professor Raquel Ortega-Argiles and Professor Anne Green will be participating in plenary and round table sessions. Reports / publications … Continue reading “City-REDI / WM REDI Round Up – August 2020”

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West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 28th August 2020

WM REDI has been tasked with providing an up to date monitor of the current COVID-19 economic impacts, on a weekly basis. These reports will help regional partners to shape responses and interventions to boost the region’s resilience so that it can thrive going forward. Each week the focus of the report relates to research … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 28th August 2020”

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