Levelling Up: Lessons From Four Global City-Regions

Dr Abigail Taylor discusses a new report led by City-REDI that identifies lessons for levelling up from the experiences of four international city-regions trying to address regional inequalities. New Research Today new research conducted by City-REDI with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) is being launched. The research finds policies designed to … Continue reading “Levelling Up: Lessons From Four Global City-Regions”

City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – January 2022

Media engagements On 27th January, Professor Simon Collinson and Ellie MacDonald were interviewed by ITV productions as part of a series of films being made for the West Midlands Growth Company. Reports / publications released Abigail Taylor contributed to a new report published by the Centre for Inequality and Levelling Up (CEILUP) at the University … Continue reading “City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – January 2022”

Levelling Up Through Innovation

On 25th November 2021, Professor Simon Collinson took part in a House of Commons Select Committee to explore the role of technology, research and innovation in the UK’s recovery from Covid-19. In this blog, Simon discusses some of the key points to come out of the committee.  What are the opportunities and challenges for R&D … Continue reading “Levelling Up Through Innovation”

Combining Growth and Levelling Up in UK Regions: How Universities and the Social Sciences Can Help

In this piece, Professor Simon Collinson describes the crucial roles to be played by city-regions and by universities if we are going to level up effectively. This article was first posted on the Academy of Social Sciences website.  Over the next few years, the UK faces further challenges which, like the economic impacts of Covid, … Continue reading “Combining Growth and Levelling Up in UK Regions: How Universities and the Social Sciences Can Help”

Four propositions for the Much-Anticipated Levelling Up White Paper

Will Rossiter,  Anne Green and Rebecca Riley discuss new research that identifies a number of challenges for the upcoming Levelling Up White Paper.  Recent research from City-REDI/ WMREDI at the University of Birmingham and Nottingham Business School at Nottingham Trent University on the geography and functioning of places and the institutions, practice and policies associated … Continue reading “Four propositions for the Much-Anticipated Levelling Up White Paper”

Levelling Up in the Knowledge Economy: Can the Ruhr Shake off its Rust?

Professor Matthias Kiese discusses the structural transformation of the Ruhr in Germany, a region attempting to leave behind its industrial past and move towards a knowledge-based economy.   A broader analysis looking at the progress the Ruhr region has made towards levelling up over the last five decades can be found in the Industrial Strategy Council’s … Continue reading “Levelling Up in the Knowledge Economy: Can the Ruhr Shake off its Rust?”

International Evidence on Levelling Up

A new report co-authored by the Industrial Strategy Council (ISC) and City-REDI researcher, Abigail Taylor, was published recently examining international evidence on what it takes to “level up” places. Watch clips from the event and view more work from this project.  The report analyses experiences in four international case study areas (Estonia, San Antonio, Greater … Continue reading “International Evidence on Levelling Up”

Good Work and the COVID-19 Crisis

In this blog, Professor Anne Green looks at the concept of ‘Good Work’, exploring the varying definitions, and its impact on both employers and employees and what they can both do to influence the situation. Context In 2019 national employment rates rose to historically high levels. In Great Britain, the employment rate for 16-64 year … Continue reading “Good Work and the COVID-19 Crisis”

Devolution and Local Recovery

Kevin Johnson, Managing Director of strategic communications firm Urban Communications, looks at the Government’s upcoming White Paper on Devolution. Will the government propose to increase powers for local authorities or continue a policy of delegation rather than devolution?  The Government is set to publish a White Paper this Autumn on Devolution. As well as building … Continue reading “Devolution and Local Recovery”

Research and Development (R&D) Roadmap

Dr Chloe Billing explores the Research and Development opportunities available to the West Midlands, the different funding strands for these and how the region can make the most of them. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a time of uncertainty and posed significant challenges to research and innovation in the UK. This was discussed in my … Continue reading “Research and Development (R&D) Roadmap”