CRRESY 7 (City-REDI REsearch SYmposium 7)

On 22nd May 2024, City-REDI hosted its seventh biannual research symposium. The in-person event featured various presentations from City-REDI researchers showcasing some of the institute’s research diversity. This blog from Hannes Read provides an overview of research from the event and his ten top takeaways. Readers are encouraged to contact the presenters for more information on … Continue reading “CRRESY 7 (City-REDI REsearch SYmposium 7)”

Understanding Community Engagement: A Nine-Dimensional Framework

In this blog, Sara Hassan (City-REDI) reflects with Lucy Natarajan (Bartlett School of Planning) on their recently published article in Town Planning Review which proposes a nine-dimensional framework that evaluates community engagement in planning practice. This blog was first published on the Liverpool University Press blog. Community engagement lies at the heart of participatory planning … Continue reading “Understanding Community Engagement: A Nine-Dimensional Framework”

Navigating Recovery: From Shock to Sustainable Action

On 29 February, City REDI hosted its first speaker of the 2024 academic seminar series, Dr Lucy Natarajan from the Bartlett School of Planning. In this blog, Sara Hassan summarises the key points raised by Lucy in her presentation. Lucy presented her latest work which delves into the intricate process of recovery from disasters, stressing … Continue reading “Navigating Recovery: From Shock to Sustainable Action”

The Demand and Challenges of the Sprint Public Transport System in Birmingham

Sara Hassan and Magda Cepeda-Zorrilla discuss whether a Bus Rapid Transit system could help reduce passenger travel times. This article was written for the Birmingham Economic Review. The review is produced by City-REDI / WMREDI, the University of Birmingham and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce. It is an in-depth exploration of the economy of … Continue reading “The Demand and Challenges of the Sprint Public Transport System in Birmingham”

The Role of Universities in Birmingham’s Economy and Communities

Sara Hassan and Hannes Read discuss how universities in Birmingham can act as anchors and civic institutions for the benefit of the city-region.  This article was written for the Birmingham Economic Review. The review is produced by City-REDI / WMREDI, the University of Birmingham and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce. It is an in-depth … Continue reading “The Role of Universities in Birmingham’s Economy and Communities”

International Women’s Week: Inequality Between Men and Women in the Workplace

Inequality between men and women in the workplace takes on many forms, including unequal pay, disparities in working hours and promotions, and differences in social norms and caring responsibilities. In celebration of International Women’s Week, Sara Hassan, Charlotte Hoole and Abigail Taylor discuss women in the workplace and how inequality can affect various factors like … Continue reading “International Women’s Week: Inequality Between Men and Women in the Workplace”

Trajectories of Young People From ‎Education to Employment

Sara Hassan reviews key evidence of changes in young people’s trajectories from education to employment in the West Midlands. The blog starts by explaining the UK context and then discusses key challenges and most effective recommendations. A selective review of research suggests that young people are not developing the relevant ‎skills for the future ‎labour … Continue reading “Trajectories of Young People From ‎Education to Employment”

Public Transport and Access to Healthcare in Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Areas

Sara Hassan summarises the key takeaways from literature on public transport and healthcare services accessibility with a special focus on disadvantaged and deprived areas. Public transport (PT) is very important in terms of providing independence for groups of people who ‎cannot drive, cycle or walk; it provides them with the chance to access services such … Continue reading “Public Transport and Access to Healthcare in Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Areas”

Priorities for up-Skilling and Re-Skilling: What Role Can and Should Universities Play?

In this blog, Dr Abigail Taylor, Professor Anne Green and Dr Sara Hassan share findings from their recent research project examining the role that universities and colleges in the West Midlands can and should play in up-skilling and re-skilling. Today WMREDI are publishing findings from a research project examining the role of universities in skills … Continue reading “Priorities for up-Skilling and Re-Skilling: What Role Can and Should Universities Play?”

Meet Dr Sara Hassan, Research Fellow at City-REDI

I recently joined City REDI and I am thrilled to be working with such a dynamic multidisciplinary team with a wide range of expertise both in policy and practice. I started working as a research fellow in the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (CURS) at the University of Birmingham in May 2017 on the … Continue reading “Meet Dr Sara Hassan, Research Fellow at City-REDI”