Meet Huanjia Ma, City-REDI/WMREDI’s New Research Fellow

I joined City-REDI in February after completing my PhD in Economics at the University of Birmingham. I am an applied economist and my main research fields are in regional economic development, firm behaviour and household finance. I specialise in conducting empirical analysis as well as causal inference with panel data at both micro and macro … Continue reading “Meet Huanjia Ma, City-REDI/WMREDI’s New Research Fellow”

City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – May and June 2024

Events – presenting work/ speaking engagements 7 May, members of City-REDI attended the Birmingham Anchor Network Co-ordination group. 15 May, members of City-REDI attended the Midlands Engine research, intelligence and policy partnership. 16 May, City-REDI held an academic seminar with Helen Jarvis from the University of Newcastle: Civic Universities for a Civil Society: (Un)Learning Habits … Continue reading “City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – May and June 2024”

Skills for Innovation Workshop – A Reflection

Fumi Kitagawa shares some of the findings from ‘Skills for Innovation’, a workshop which took place at The Exchange in Birmingham on 24 April 2024, organised by City-REDI with colleagues from the Centre for Innovation Management Research (CIMR), Birkbeck, University of London. The day started with a series of research presentations, followed by a panel discussion … Continue reading “Skills for Innovation Workshop – A Reflection”

The Wider Socio-Economic Impacts of Firm Insolvencies

2022 saw the largest number of firm insolvencies (bankruptcies) since 2009 in England and Wales. Professor Simon Collinson, Dr Huanjia Ma and Dr Matt Lyons discuss the impact of this on the Birmingham city-region. In 2022 we saw the largest number of firm insolvencies (bankruptcies) since 2009 in England and Wales. Building on previous analysis … Continue reading “The Wider Socio-Economic Impacts of Firm Insolvencies”

Regional Input-Output Group Meeting

se On the 26th of April, City-REDI hosted a gathering for those interested in the development and application of regional input-output (IO) techniques in the UK. Matt Lyons summarizes the papers shared and the discussions had about the shared challenges and opportunities for researchers in the field. It is an exciting time for an input-output … Continue reading “Regional Input-Output Group Meeting”

The Poorest UK Households are Hit Hardest by the Highest Rate of Firm Failure

With bankruptcies on the rise in the UK, Simon Collinson, Matt Lyons and Huanjia Ma look at the impact of firm failure on the economy, employment and households. Data released by the Insolvency Service at the end of January shows that firm insolvencies, or bankruptcies, in England and Wales reached the highest level since 2009. … Continue reading “The Poorest UK Households are Hit Hardest by the Highest Rate of Firm Failure”

City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – November 2022

Events – presenting work / speaking engagements Pei-Yu Yuan presented “Public procurement and innovation ‘missions’” at The Productivity Institute in-house meeting on 2nd  November 2022. Annum Rafique  presented at the Smart Energy – An Energy System for the 21st Century” at ‘Midlands Engine Research Partnership‘ meeting and at the ‘Midlands Engine Intelligence Committee’ meeting on 10th November … Continue reading “City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – November 2022”

The Fifth Edition of City-REDI REsearch SYmposium (CRRESY)

On May 12th 2022, City-REDI hosted its biannual research symposium. The online event had a range of presentations from City-REDI researchers showcasing some of the diversity of research in the Institute. This blog provides an over of research from the event and readers are encouraged to contact the presenters for more information. Summary of projects The … Continue reading “The Fifth Edition of City-REDI REsearch SYmposium (CRRESY)”

Fewer Firms are Created in UK Regions Outside London and the South-East

Co-authored by Huanjia Ma and Simon Collinson, they have been discussing new firm creation in regions outside London and the South-East in the context of the government’s levelling up policy plans. The UK government’s recent levelling up plans promise large investments in infrastructure, R&D, skills and education, and the relocation of public sector employment, to … Continue reading “Fewer Firms are Created in UK Regions Outside London and the South-East”

Who we are

Academic Team Professor Anne Green Anne Green joined the University of Birmingham as Professor of Regional Economic Development in June 2017. Her research interests span employment, non-employment, regional and local labour market issues, skills strategies, urban and rural development, migration and commuting, associated policy issues and evaluation. She has published in high profile journals and has written … Continue reading “Who we are”