City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – July 2024

Events – presenting work/ speaking engagements 1-3 July, Anne Green attended the Population Geography conference in Belfast. 8-12 July, Sara Hassan and Annum Rafique attended the U21 Early Career Inclusive Energy Transitions workshop in Brisbane, and Sara presented research about inclusivity, communities and sustainable transport in the energy transition. 9 July, Bec Riley spoke at the … Continue reading “City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – July 2024”

City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – May and June 2024

Events – presenting work/ speaking engagements 7 May, members of City-REDI attended the Birmingham Anchor Network Co-ordination group. 15 May, members of City-REDI attended the Midlands Engine research, intelligence and policy partnership. 16 May, City-REDI held an academic seminar with Helen Jarvis from the University of Newcastle: Civic Universities for a Civil Society: (Un)Learning Habits … Continue reading “City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – May and June 2024”

City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – March and April 2024

Events – presenting work / speaking engagements 22 March, Alice Pugh and Hannes Read presented at a National Civic Impact Accelerator event –  An Introduction to Developing Business Cases for Civic Engagement Projects. 9 April – Matt Lyons joined a workshop at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre on “Multi-regional input-output in research and development”. … Continue reading “City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – March and April 2024”

City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – November 2023 – January 2024

Events – presenting work / speaking engagements 15 November 2023, Dr Matt Lyons hosted a special session “Development & application of multi-regional input-output tables” at the North American meetings of the Regional Science Association. 7 December, George Bramley presented at the West Midlands Health Technology Innovation Accelerator Innovators and Partners Assembly to introduce City-REDI’s role … Continue reading “City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – November 2023 – January 2024”

City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – October 2023

Events – presenting work / speaking engagements 4 October – Matt Lyons attended the 14th Annual Geoff Hewings Workshop and presented on ‘Can R&D policy level up the UK? A multi-regional input-output approach’. 18 – 20 October, Fumi Kitagawa spoke at the Societal Impact of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts conference (SSHA) Conference, Cardiff University, … Continue reading “City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – October 2023”

City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – September 2023

Local and Central Government Anne Green and Abigail Taylor presented work on ‘Place-based employment support: learning from Connecting Communities in the West Midlands’ in the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Learning and Development series on 12th September 2023. City-REDI and WMREDI researchers participated in the West Midlands Combined Authority’s  (WMCA) Economic Symposium at the Library of … Continue reading “City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – September 2023”

The West Midlands as a Regional Test bed for Innovation Policy and Support

George Bramley summarises the main findings of a new WMREDI report ‘Early Assessment of the West Midlands Innovation Programme’ whilst Dr Jamie Elliot reflects on how the findings have contributed to shaping provision going forward.  Programmes to support innovation have tended to be designed centrally focusing on specific aspects of the research, development, and innovation … Continue reading “The West Midlands as a Regional Test bed for Innovation Policy and Support”

New paper: The Impact of University STEM Assets – A Systematic Review of the Empirical Evidence

This literature review from the West Midlands Regional Development Institute (WMREDI), looks at the effect of university Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) assets on regional economies and innovation ecosystems. Innovation is good for growth and significant for regional development. The innovation process consists of multiple interlinked steps – innovative products and processes must make … Continue reading “New paper: The Impact of University STEM Assets – A Systematic Review of the Empirical Evidence”

City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – March 2023

Events – presenting work / speaking engagements On Monday 6th March WMREDI hosted The 3rd Expert Roundtable on ‘Empowering Innovation through Public Procurement’. This event, co-organised with the University of Manchester and the Connected Places Catapult (CPC), launched the Innovation Procurement Empowerment Centre (IPEC), with speakers from the Cabinet Office, DSIT and Innovate UK. On … Continue reading “City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – March 2023”

Supporting Digitalisation in Birmingham’s Professional Business Financial Service Sector

A new report, in collaboration with The Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership, evaluates a pilot programme utilizing the ‘No Code’ approach to developing apps for businesses in the West Midlands as well as teaching young people digital skills. The Business Professional Financial Services (BPFS) sector is the largest sector by turnover, employment, and … Continue reading “Supporting Digitalisation in Birmingham’s Professional Business Financial Service Sector”