Twelve Economic Impacts of Christmas 2017

There are many types of Christmas. For some it is a special religious moment, for others, it is a time for families and friends and for many a time for consumption.  For many others, it is a critical time in their business activities – a time in which sales linked to Christmas determine profitability and … Continue reading “Twelve Economic Impacts of Christmas 2017”

The Birmingham Economic Review 2017: Enterprise

The Birmingham Economic Review was produced in October 2017 by City-REDI, the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and the West Midlands Growth Company. The review highlights the current strengths and weakness of the Birmingham economy, as well as looking at the opportunities and threats that might impact upon it in the future. This is a commentary on Chapter 8 of … Continue reading “The Birmingham Economic Review 2017: Enterprise”

Christmas Tree Economies or Fashions and Local Economic Development

Christmas trees are a relatively recent introduction to the British Christmas tradition.  Their introduction to Christmas celebrations can be traced back to Southern Germany in the seventeenth century. There is even a legend that the first Christmas tree was erected by Martin Luther. The British tradition can be traced back to Queen Charlotte, the wife … Continue reading “Christmas Tree Economies or Fashions and Local Economic Development”

The Rise of the Highbrow, Eyebrow Economy: Face Theatre as Commodification and Local Economic Development

Our economy and society are a continual state of change or becoming – they never become. Change, transition and transformation are the norm and persistence is unusual and needs to be explained. There are a number of ‘timeless theories and timeless processes’; theories and processes that will continue as long as capitalism survives. These timeless … Continue reading “The Rise of the Highbrow, Eyebrow Economy: Face Theatre as Commodification and Local Economic Development”

Professor Simon Collinson interviewed on Radio 4 regarding the Industrial Strategy

Professor Simon Collinson was interviewed this morning (27/11/17), on Radio 4’s Today Show. The interview was part of a panel commentary on the Industrial Strategy, which was published by the government today. Professor Collinson submitted a series of key points on the Industrial Strategy to the show, some of which was covered briefly in the interview: … Continue reading “Professor Simon Collinson interviewed on Radio 4 regarding the Industrial Strategy”

Professor Simon Collinson interviewed on Radio 4

Professor Simon Collinson, City-REDI, was interviewed this morning on the Today Show, on Radio 4 (22/11/17) about the Autumn Budget 2017. On the show, Professor Collinson talked about some of the current economic issues that the government faces. That despite the fact that the UK has high levels of employment, it is also experiencing a period of … Continue reading “Professor Simon Collinson interviewed on Radio 4”

The Birmingham Economic Review 2017: Key Sectors

The Birmingham Economic Review was produced in October 2017 by City-REDI, the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and the West Midlands Growth Company. The review highlights the current strengths and weakness of the Birmingham economy, as well as looking at the opportunities and threats that might impact upon it in the future. This is a commentary on Chapter 5 of … Continue reading “The Birmingham Economic Review 2017: Key Sectors”

City REDI publications series – Amir Qamar

As part of a new blog series, we will be highlighting the excellent research produced by the City-REDI team since 2015, with the aim of creating an online searchable library. You can view this work by searching the blog with the relevant tag, either using the name of the author or the year of the publication. The … Continue reading “City REDI publications series – Amir Qamar”

The Birmingham Economic Review 2017 featured in Birmingham Mail and BQ Live

The Birmingham Economic Review 2017, produced by City-REDI, the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and the West Midlands Growth Company has received great press coverage in the Birmingham Mail and BQ Live. The review highlights the current strengths and weakness of the Birmingham economy, as well as looking at the opportunities and threats that might impact upon it in the … Continue reading “The Birmingham Economic Review 2017 featured in Birmingham Mail and BQ Live”

Economic resilience: addressing the challenges to come

Economic crises have happened long before the great recession of 2008 and unfortunately will happen again in the future. Maybe not as bad as the 2008 one but they will happen. We can spend years discussing why recessions happen and we can use plenty of insights in psychology, economics as well as ideological arguments. This … Continue reading “Economic resilience: addressing the challenges to come”