What is Smart Specialisation?

Welcome to part two in our new series “What is…?” where we explain the language, terms and ideas used in our day-to-day work.  Other blogs from the series include: What is GVA?  What is Transport Resilience? What are Industrial Clusters and Economies of Agglomeration? Definition and description Smart specialisation is a policy framework aimed at … Continue reading “What is Smart Specialisation?”

West Midlands Economic Monitor: July 2019

July’s edition of the West Midlands Economic Monitor is now available for you to keep up to date with recent developments in the region. This month’s monitor looks at the Midlands Rail Hub, digital skills, Quantum Technology Hubs, air pollution, and as always features analysis of the latest data about the region’s economic performance. Get … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Monitor: July 2019”

Strengthening the Weapons of the Weak: Informality, Urban Reforms and Sub-Sahara African Cities

It is widely known that Africa during this century will experience significant demographic growth combined with enhanced urbanization. Managing urbanization and conducting urban reform in Sub-Sahara African cities is extremely challenging. There has been on-going international support to enhance city living including research and evidence on the strength of informal economies, informal settlements and informal … Continue reading “Strengthening the Weapons of the Weak: Informality, Urban Reforms and Sub-Sahara African Cities”

Economic Resilience: The Role of Industrial Structure

City-REDI has prepared this brief to inform the debate on economic resilience. It draws on resilience research at the Institute and elsewhere and is prepared under funding provided by the Economic and Social Research Council (ES/S011226/1). It discusses the concept of resilience in political discourse at the national level and then considers the importance of … Continue reading “Economic Resilience: The Role of Industrial Structure”

Understanding Productivity and Prosperity: Regional Skills Mismatches and Inclusive Growth for the West Midlands

Chloe Billing reflects on this year’s Regional Studies Association’s annual conference in Santiago de Compostela. On the 6th June, I had the opportunity to present the findings from the first phase of City REDI’s project on ‘Productivity and Prosperity’ at the RSA conference in Santiago. Details of the ESRC funded project and the wider team … Continue reading “Understanding Productivity and Prosperity: Regional Skills Mismatches and Inclusive Growth for the West Midlands”

West Midlands Economic Monitor: June 2019

June’s edition of the West Midlands Economic Monitor is now available for you to keep up to date with recent developments in the region. This month’s monitor looks at hydrogen trains, the UK 2070 Commission, homelessness and fuel poverty, modular homes, and as always features analysis of the latest data about the region’s economic performance. … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Monitor: June 2019”

Clean Air Day, City-Regions and Responsible Citizenship: The Invisible Killer and Zero Carbon Emissions

Thursday 20 June 2019 is designated as Clean Air Day. This is an important event. Air pollution is now increasingly recognised as the invisible killer. It is a primary constraint on the performance of city-region economies, on the life chances of those exposed to polluted air and on social welfare costs. On the 20th June, … Continue reading “Clean Air Day, City-Regions and Responsible Citizenship: The Invisible Killer and Zero Carbon Emissions”

Fake News, Flooding and the West Midlands: Dave Throup’s Reality versus The Daily Mail

One of the most interesting West Midlands twitter feeds is that of Dave Throup, the Environment Agency Manager for Herefordshire and Worcestershire. Dave provides a moment-by-moment account of the Environment Agency’s activities across these two counties. This covers many important aspects of this Agency’s work including soil erosion, environmental pollution and managing rivers including flooding … Continue reading “Fake News, Flooding and the West Midlands: Dave Throup’s Reality versus The Daily Mail”

David Ricardo is very much alive (and kicking)

The economist David Ricardo (18 April 1772 – 11 September 1823) formulated the famous theory of comparative advantage, which soon became one of the most influential pieces in the field of international trade and industrial specialization. His theory of value (prices and rents mechanism) however is generally less known, but it also led to very … Continue reading “David Ricardo is very much alive (and kicking)”

The End of the British Automotive Industry as We Know It: The Closure of the Ford Bridgend Factory and the Shift Towards the Electric Revolution

Last week, Ford announced the closure of its Bridgend engine plant with the loss of 1,700 jobs. For some, this was a surprise. Perhaps, the only surprise is that policy-makers and politicians have not been working to overcome the impacts of this closure for the last 12 months. This closure was predictable and it is … Continue reading “The End of the British Automotive Industry as We Know It: The Closure of the Ford Bridgend Factory and the Shift Towards the Electric Revolution”