Professor Simon Collinson Awarded Chartered ABS Fellowship

Professor Simon Collinson, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Regional Engagement and Director of City-REDI at the University of Birmingham was awarded a Fellowship from the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) at the CABS 2019 Annual Conference, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the organisation’s mission over the course of several years. Professor Collinson was a … Continue reading “Professor Simon Collinson Awarded Chartered ABS Fellowship”

City-REDI Brexit Regional Participatory Workshop Videos

Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, “The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, its Regions, its Cities and its Sectors” project started in April 2017 and is part of a series of 25 projects funded by ESRC to support the initiative UK in a Changing Europe coordinated by Professor Anand Menon at King’s … Continue reading “City-REDI Brexit Regional Participatory Workshop Videos”

Professor Simon Collinson Interviewed this Morning on Radio 4: What does the Future of Regional Economic Development look like for the Midlands Ahead of Today’s Budget?

Professor Simon Collinson was on Radio 4’s Today Programme this morning talking about regional economic development in the Midlands in a pre-budget special. In the live interview, recorded in the control tower at East Midland’s Airport, the business editor, Dominic O’Connell focussed on regional growth, likely outcomes of the budget and the future of retail. He … Continue reading “Professor Simon Collinson Interviewed this Morning on Radio 4: What does the Future of Regional Economic Development look like for the Midlands Ahead of Today’s Budget?”

City-REDI mentioned in the House of Commons

Research led by Professor Raquel Ortega-Argiles, City-REDI, University of Birmingham, was referenced in a House of Commons debate on the 26th April 2018. The research suggests that the UK’s cities and regions which voted for Brexit are also the most economically dependent on EU markets for their prosperity and viability.  These cities and regions are … Continue reading “City-REDI mentioned in the House of Commons”

Storify – The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, its Regions, its Cities and its Sectors

Professor Raquel Ortega-Argiles, City-REDI, University of Birmingham, is leading a project examining in detail the likely impacts of Brexit on the UK’s sectors, regions and cities. In December 2017, Professor Ortega-Argiles and her team of co-investigators from the University of Sheffield, University of Groningen, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and the Erasmus University Rotterdam, published … Continue reading “Storify – The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, its Regions, its Cities and its Sectors”

Max Nathan features in a film about about tech, migrants and innovation in London

City-REDI’s Dr. Max Nathan features in a documentary by Wired magazine and the Museum of London called, “How migrant entrepreneurs help power growth in the London economy“. The documentary looks at what it is about London that makes it  Europe’s largest and most vibrant tech hub. As well as Dr. Max Nathan, the documentary also provides insight … Continue reading “Max Nathan features in a film about about tech, migrants and innovation in London”

Professor Simon Collinson interviewed on Radio 4 regarding the Industrial Strategy

Professor Simon Collinson was interviewed this morning (27/11/17), on Radio 4’s Today Show. The interview was part of a panel commentary on the Industrial Strategy, which was published by the government today. Professor Collinson submitted a series of key points on the Industrial Strategy to the show, some of which was covered briefly in the interview: … Continue reading “Professor Simon Collinson interviewed on Radio 4 regarding the Industrial Strategy”

Professor Simon Collinson interviewed on Radio 4

Professor Simon Collinson, City-REDI, was interviewed this morning on the Today Show, on Radio 4 (22/11/17) about the Autumn Budget 2017. On the show, Professor Collinson talked about some of the current economic issues that the government faces. That despite the fact that the UK has high levels of employment, it is also experiencing a period of … Continue reading “Professor Simon Collinson interviewed on Radio 4”

The Birmingham Economic Review 2017 featured in Birmingham Mail and BQ Live

The Birmingham Economic Review 2017, produced by City-REDI, the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and the West Midlands Growth Company has received great press coverage in the Birmingham Mail and BQ Live. The review highlights the current strengths and weakness of the Birmingham economy, as well as looking at the opportunities and threats that might impact upon it in the … Continue reading “The Birmingham Economic Review 2017 featured in Birmingham Mail and BQ Live”

City-REDI feature in “Data as Infrastructure” report

Professor Simon Collinson and Dr Amir Qamar were recently featured in a report on data by Prospect magazine. The report, called “Data as Infrastructure” puts together a series of articles and essays on “Smart cities” and how local authorities are beginning to see data as another form of infrastructure. Simon and Amir’s chapter titled “Smart … Continue reading “City-REDI feature in “Data as Infrastructure” report”