How Does the Innovation Performance of the West Midlands Rank on the National and International Stage?

Kelvin Humphreys and colleagues use World Intellectual Property Organisation’s (WIPO) annual Global Innovation Index to assess how innovative the West Midlands is. This is part of a series of blogs looking at Innovation in the West Midlands. Find out more about our work on regional innovation systems. Summary This analysis compares the innovation performance of … Continue reading “How Does the Innovation Performance of the West Midlands Rank on the National and International Stage?”

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Place-Based Employment Support Conference

On Thursday 16th June, 11:00-15:15, the Heseltine Institute at the University of Liverpool and City-REDI/ WMREDI at the University of Birmingham are co-hosting an event in Liverpool on the theme of Employment Support and Future Skills: Benefits of a Place-Based Approach. In the context of the government’s levelling up agenda and the opportunities and challenges … Continue reading “Place-Based Employment Support Conference”

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Mobilising the Power of Universities in Levelling-Up: A new Universities and Regions Policy Forum

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates aims to get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WMREDI staff look at the government’s flagship policy – Levelling Up. We look at the challenge of implementing, understanding and measuring levelling up. In this blog, Professor John Goddard, with Rebecca Riley, Professor Anne Green, Professor … Continue reading “Mobilising the Power of Universities in Levelling-Up: A new Universities and Regions Policy Forum”

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New Opportunities for Low Carbon Growth

Professor Martin Freer discusses what areas of the low-carbon sector the West Midlands is optimally placed to develop in the region. This blog post was produced for inclusion in the Birmingham Economic Review for 2021. The annual Birmingham Economic Review is produced by the University of Birmingham’s City-REDI and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce. … Continue reading “New Opportunities for Low Carbon Growth”

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UK Shared Prosperity Fund: Perspectives on Allocations in the Midlands

Writing for the Midlands Engine Observatory, Charlie Hopkirk examines whether the UK Shared Prosperity Fund will provide a sufficient replacement for the European Structural Fund in the Midlands. Launched in April, the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is a Government-allocated fund which is intended to reduce inequalities between communities. UKSPF is being allocated nationally as … Continue reading “UK Shared Prosperity Fund: Perspectives on Allocations in the Midlands”

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Levelling Up: There Are International Success Stories the UK Should Look To

Welcome to REDI-Updates – providing expert data insights and clear policy guidance. In this edition, WMREDI staff look at the government’s flagship policy – Levelling Up. We look at the challenge of implementing, understanding and measuring this Levelling Up. In this blog, Dr Abigail Taylor looks at how the UK’s approach to levelling up compares … Continue reading “Levelling Up: There Are International Success Stories the UK Should Look To”

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Just Relocated? Robots, Displacement and Job Quality

On 5th May, City-REDI held a webinar featuring Prof Vicente Royuela and Dr Liliana Cuccu from University of Barcelona. Abstract: Though productivity-enhancing technologies are vital to raising national income and reducing poverty, they also cause a problem of technological unemployment as many of the tasks performed by workers are now being automated. There have been … Continue reading “Just Relocated? Robots, Displacement and Job Quality”

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City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – May 2022

Events – presenting work/speaking engagements On 26th April, City-REDI hosted a visit of four people from BEIS (Science, Technology, and Innovation Analysis team). The day included a visit to the Tyseley Energy Park in the morning, followed by lunch and presentations at the Exchange. Professor Anne Green chaired the afternoon discussions, and Professor Simon Collinson, … Continue reading “City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – May 2022”

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The Fifth Edition of City-REDI REsearch SYmposium (CRRESY)

On May 12th 2022, City-REDI hosted its biannual research symposium. The online event had a range of presentations from City-REDI researchers showcasing some of the diversity of research in the Institute. This blog provides an over of research from the event and readers are encouraged to contact the presenters for more information. Summary of projects The … Continue reading “The Fifth Edition of City-REDI REsearch SYmposium (CRRESY)”

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