When will the UK hit ‘Peak Car’?

New car purchases have fallen since their peak in 2016 and driving licenses are falling amongst the young. In this blog, Matt Lyons, Kurt Kratena and Sara Hassan consider the question when will the UK reach peak car? People are driving less Figures from the DfT (Figure 1) show that the proportion of adults holding … Continue reading “When will the UK hit ‘Peak Car’?”

Britain the ‘World’s Worst on Homelessness’ – What About the West Midlands?

The UK has the highest rates of homelessness in the developed world, with a significant increase over the past 14 years, particularly in the West Midlands. Alongside the physical, emotional and psychological impact it has on the individual, homelessness creates a substantial financial burden on local authorities, with Birmingham having the highest temporary accommodation expenses … Continue reading “Britain the ‘World’s Worst on Homelessness’ – What About the West Midlands?”

Megatrends in the Midlands 2023

Megatrends are an issue that City-REDI has written about previously. We have a fantastic podcast series which is well worth a listen to and a 2021 report focussing on the West Midlands. This latest blog is written to coincide with a new report produced by City-REDI in collaboration with the Midlands Engine looking at Megatrends … Continue reading “Megatrends in the Midlands 2023”

The Wider Socio-Economic Impacts of Firm Insolvencies

2022 saw the largest number of firm insolvencies (bankruptcies) since 2009 in England and Wales. Professor Simon Collinson, Dr Huanjia Ma and Dr Matt Lyons discuss the impact of this on the Birmingham city-region. In 2022 we saw the largest number of firm insolvencies (bankruptcies) since 2009 in England and Wales. Building on previous analysis … Continue reading “The Wider Socio-Economic Impacts of Firm Insolvencies”

The Creative Sector Vision: What Does It Say and What Might It Mean for the West Midlands?

On Wednesday the UK Government released the Creative Sector Vision a highly anticipated update to creative policy. Dr Matt Lyons provides a summary of the document and some initial reflections on what it could mean for the region. The Creative Sector Vision published yesterday is the much-anticipated latest iteration of the UK Government’s policy for … Continue reading “The Creative Sector Vision: What Does It Say and What Might It Mean for the West Midlands?”

Regional Input-Output Group Meeting

se On the 26th of April, City-REDI hosted a gathering for those interested in the development and application of regional input-output (IO) techniques in the UK. Matt Lyons summarizes the papers shared and the discussions had about the shared challenges and opportunities for researchers in the field. It is an exciting time for an input-output … Continue reading “Regional Input-Output Group Meeting”

Screen Skills, Shortages and Silicon Spa

Dr James Davies and Dr Matt Lyons discuss how we can solve the creative skills shortage in the West Midlands. This blog and research is part of a project for the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre. The phenomenon of skills shortages in the creative industries is well-known in the academic literature and policy debates. … Continue reading “Screen Skills, Shortages and Silicon Spa”

The Poorest UK Households are Hit Hardest by the Highest Rate of Firm Failure

With bankruptcies on the rise in the UK, Simon Collinson, Matt Lyons and Huanjia Ma look at the impact of firm failure on the economy, employment and households. Data released by the Insolvency Service at the end of January shows that firm insolvencies, or bankruptcies, in England and Wales reached the highest level since 2009. … Continue reading “The Poorest UK Households are Hit Hardest by the Highest Rate of Firm Failure”

Labour’s Plan to Put “The Right Powers in the Right Places”

In December 2022, the Labour Party published a new report which promised to decentralise political power in the UK by putting “the right powers in the right places”. Dr Charlotte Hoole and Dr Matt Lyons evaluate how Labour’s proposals differ from the current system and what it could mean for the West Midlands. In December … Continue reading “Labour’s Plan to Put “The Right Powers in the Right Places””

Too Many Demands are Being Placed on Universities To Support Their Regional Economies, Without Sufficient Support and Partnership

Dr James Davies discusses the pressures on Universities to support the Creative Industries, whilst themselves lacking sufficient support, industry partnerships and clarity of purpose. This blog was originally written for the Creative Industries, Policy and Data Centre. The creative industries have long been heralded as a UK success story. The creative economy grew at twice … Continue reading “Too Many Demands are Being Placed on Universities To Support Their Regional Economies, Without Sufficient Support and Partnership”