Project Spotlight: National Civic Impact Accelerator

In a new series of blogs, we will be reviewing the current and historical work of City-REDI. In the next blog from this series, we look at the National Civic Impact Accelerator and its recent report on demonstrating the economic impacts of civic universities.  What are the 12 pillars of civic university economic impact?  The … Continue reading “Project Spotlight: National Civic Impact Accelerator”

London Wins Again – The Debacle of the UK’s High-speed Rail ‘strategy’ 

Donald Houston and Rebecca Riley discuss the scrapping of HS2 and the significant economic impact on the North of the UK. This blog was originally written for the Birmingham Business School Blog. A branding failure HS2 has always suffered from a branding failure. HS2 sounds rather anodyne and the ‘2’ reminds those north of London … Continue reading “London Wins Again – The Debacle of the UK’s High-speed Rail ‘strategy’ ”

An Early Assessment of the Economic Impact of the Birmingham Commonwealth Games

Dr Matt Lyons provides an early assessment of the economic impact of the 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games. The Commonwealth Games have kicked off in Birmingham and the buzz about the city has been infectious. Spectators have flocked to events to see elite athletes compete and/or to see the supporting art exhibits like the giant mechanical … Continue reading “An Early Assessment of the Economic Impact of the Birmingham Commonwealth Games”

Economic Resilience to Shocks: Implications for Labour Markets

In this blog, Tasos Kitsos introduces the latest output for the WM REDI project Economic resilience to shocks: implications for labour markets. The term economic resilience has become popular during the 2008 crisis and remained at the forefront of research and policymaking since. The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic makes resilience more relevant than … Continue reading “Economic Resilience to Shocks: Implications for Labour Markets”

Supporting Regional Resilience Through the Pandemic and Beyond

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates is a bi-annual publication which will get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WM REDI staff and guest contributors will discuss some of the key topics when trying to understand the long-term economic impacts of the pandemic. In this article, Professor Simon Collinson discusses the role … Continue reading “Supporting Regional Resilience Through the Pandemic and Beyond”

West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 24 April 2020

WM REDI has been tasked with providing an up to date monitor of the current COVID-19 economic impacts to help regional partners to shape responses and interventions to ensure the region continues to thrive. The weekly monitor brings together data and intelligence from the WM REDI partnership into one single source which can be shared … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 24 April 2020”

The Uneven Spatial Footprint of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Shutdown

In this blog, Tasos Kitsos looks into the spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of industries currently shut down in the UK.  As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, we begin to realise the potential economic impact from the oncoming recession. The Office for National Statistics has moved with unprecedented speed to gather data on the … Continue reading “The Uneven Spatial Footprint of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Shutdown”