Smart Specialisation and the Diversification of Related Sectors: The Context of Developing a West Midlands Space Cluster

Dr Chloe Billing and Professor Raquel Ortega-Argilés discuss smart specialisation and regional diversification processes, and how the West Midlands can use its unique strengths to secure future regional diversification pathways into the space sector. This blog post was produced for inclusion in the Birmingham Economic Review for 2021. The annual Birmingham Economic Review is produced … Continue reading “Smart Specialisation and the Diversification of Related Sectors: The Context of Developing a West Midlands Space Cluster”

Rethinking Public Procurement for Post-COVID Recovery

Malcolm Harbour CBE from Connected Places Catapult examines how the public sector can use procurement to drive innovation in Birmingham and the West Midlands. This blog post was produced for inclusion in the Birmingham Economic Review for 2021. The annual Birmingham Economic Review is produced by City-REDI, University of Birmingham and the Greater Birmingham Chambers … Continue reading “Rethinking Public Procurement for Post-COVID Recovery”

How Can the Space Sector Drive Growth and Productivity in the West Midlands?

Professor Simon Collinson and Julia Goldsworthy discuss the development of a West Midlands Space Cluster and what it might mean for the region and the wider UK economy. This blog has been produced to provide insight into a City-REDI / WMREDI project looking at the development of a Space Cluster in the West Midlands. The … Continue reading “How Can the Space Sector Drive Growth and Productivity in the West Midlands?”

“The Game’s Gone”: Where is Football Going and Where Should it Go?

Hannes Read takes a look at the potential consequences of the decision of some of England’s top-flight football teams to attempt to break away from the Premiership to join a European Super League. This blog was first posted on the Birmingham Business School Blog. “The Game’s Gone” Those three words can describe pretty much anything … Continue reading ““The Game’s Gone”: Where is Football Going and Where Should it Go?”

Levelling Up in the Knowledge Economy: Can the Ruhr Shake off its Rust?

Professor Matthias Kiese discusses the structural transformation of the Ruhr in Germany, a region attempting to leave behind its industrial past and move towards a knowledge-based economy.   A broader analysis looking at the progress the Ruhr region has made towards levelling up over the last five decades can be found in the Industrial Strategy Council’s … Continue reading “Levelling Up in the Knowledge Economy: Can the Ruhr Shake off its Rust?”

Economic Justice in Birmingham and the Black Country Shows That Levelling-up Needs to Focus on People Not Areas

In this blog, Peter Kenway, Director for the New Policy Institute discusses their new report looking at the state of economic justice in Birmingham and the Black Country.   NPI’s new report on economic justice, published by the Barrow Cadbury Trust, assembles the statistics to tell a story that people who live in Birmingham and the … Continue reading “Economic Justice in Birmingham and the Black Country Shows That Levelling-up Needs to Focus on People Not Areas”

Enabling Local R&D Systems to Drive Growth

This is part two of a blog by Professor Simon Collinson on R&D, innovation and regional growth, following an academic forum hosted by WM REDI and UKRI that discussed the evidence that should inform the government’s place R&D strategy. It was first published on the UKRI website. Part one is available here. R&D investment in … Continue reading “Enabling Local R&D Systems to Drive Growth”

West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 6th November 2020

This week Britain looks on course to enter a double-dip recession this winter, as business surveys show economic growth almost halted last month even before the latest England-wide lockdown was announced, according to financial data company IHS Markit. Business service activity rise is much softer than September, new orders have declined for the first time … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 6th November 2020”

The Pandemic Hangover

In this blog, Rebecca Riley, Administrative Director, City-REDI / WM REDI looks at the long term health impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic.  At the moment we are dealing with the short term impacts of the pandemic and the effect of the interventions that are being put in place and this is potentially only the beginning … Continue reading “The Pandemic Hangover”

Supporting Regional Resilience Through the Pandemic and Beyond

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates is a bi-annual publication which will get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WM REDI staff and guest contributors will discuss some of the key topics when trying to understand the long-term economic impacts of the pandemic. In this article, Professor Simon Collinson discusses the role … Continue reading “Supporting Regional Resilience Through the Pandemic and Beyond”