General Election 2024: Whatever Happened to Levelling Up?

Hannes Read and Abigail Taylor look at how in the 2024 election campaign, ‘levelling up’, the initiative to address regional inequalities, has been largely neglected by major parties, despite its ongoing importance. The phrase ‘levelling up’ – which refers to tackling inequality between places – has been cast aside in the 2024 election campaign. There has … Continue reading “General Election 2024: Whatever Happened to Levelling Up?”

CRRESY 7 (City-REDI REsearch SYmposium 7)

On 22nd May 2024, City-REDI hosted its seventh biannual research symposium. The in-person event featured various presentations from City-REDI researchers showcasing some of the institute’s research diversity. This blog from Hannes Read provides an overview of research from the event and his ten top takeaways. Readers are encouraged to contact the presenters for more information on … Continue reading “CRRESY 7 (City-REDI REsearch SYmposium 7)”

“Breathing Life Into Britain’s High Streets”: What Hope Have We Got?

In our latest blog, Hannes Read looks at the Labour Party’s short-term intervention proposals like banking hubs and addressing shoplifting alongside their long-term changes such as reforming business rates to favour high street commerce. The Labour Party are firmly on the election hunt. Quickly off the back of the announcement of Labour’s “five missions” for … Continue reading ““Breathing Life Into Britain’s High Streets”: What Hope Have We Got?”

The Role of Universities in Birmingham’s Economy and Communities

Sara Hassan and Hannes Read discuss how universities in Birmingham can act as anchors and civic institutions for the benefit of the city-region.  This article was written for the Birmingham Economic Review. The review is produced by City-REDI / WMREDI, the University of Birmingham and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce. It is an in-depth … Continue reading “The Role of Universities in Birmingham’s Economy and Communities”

Key Announcements From the Spring Statement 2023

Wednesday 15th March 2023 was Budget Day. Jeremy Hunt delivered his first spring budget, and first major economic policy reveals since the revoking of policies outlined in Liz Truss’ mini-budget in September 2022. Alice Pugh and Hannes Read take a look at some of the key announcements from the budget. OBR Forecasts for the economy … Continue reading “Key Announcements From the Spring Statement 2023”

The Devil and the Detail: The Two Things Hiding Behind the UK Levelling Up Fund

Whilst the Levelling Up Fund provides much-needed support for local regions, Hannes Read discusses two issues with the programme. The patchwork delivery of funding and a lack of focus on how the funds are spent. The continued patchwork approach to regional economic development is the devil behind the Levelling Up Fund. Despite the roots of … Continue reading “The Devil and the Detail: The Two Things Hiding Behind the UK Levelling Up Fund”

Megatrends in the West Midlands: The ‘New Normal’ Must Embrace ‘Building Back Better’

Johannes Read delves into how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way people and businesses work in the city centre as the UK emerges from the crisis. This article is part of a larger project looking at Megatrends in the West Midlands. Megatrends are major movements or patterns or trends that are having a transformative … Continue reading “Megatrends in the West Midlands: The ‘New Normal’ Must Embrace ‘Building Back Better’”

Where is “The Level” in “Levelling Up”?

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates aims to get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WMREDI staff look at the government’s flagship policy – Levelling Up. We look at the challenge of implementing, understanding and measuring levelling up Josh Swan, Rebecca Riley and Hannes Read discuss the need for places to … Continue reading “Where is “The Level” in “Levelling Up”?”

Brexit and the West Midlands: What Has Happened in the Last Five Years?

On 29th March 2017, article 50 was triggered and the UK began the process of leaving the EU. To mark the day, Hannes Read looks at the impact Brexit has had on the West Midlands.  The 29th March 2022 marks five years to the day since Article 50 was formally triggered; beginning the process for … Continue reading “Brexit and the West Midlands: What Has Happened in the Last Five Years?”

Why Offices Must Adapt to Encourage People to Return

Hannes Read discusses the impact of COVID-19 on the world of work, and how we can change the office to improve the wellbeing of employees and encourage them back.  A new study by Aviva has found that 47% of employees were less career-focused because of the pandemic. Just 14% of employees favoured returning to the office … Continue reading “Why Offices Must Adapt to Encourage People to Return”