Part A: The Causes of Carillion’s Collapse

Racing to secure bids over rival construction companies, Carillion, the second-largest construction firm in the UK, hit a financial tipping point, lost the backing of the banks and collapsed. Its aggressive growth strategy and the diversification of its business portfolio increased the complexity of its internal structure. Coupled with poor oversight of its day-to-day operations, … Continue reading “Part A: The Causes of Carillion’s Collapse”

Brexit: Local and Devolved Government

This week the new report Brexit: Local and Devolved Government has been launched. The report considers not only what happened in the EU referendum itself but also the consequences of Brexit at the sub-national level. The report was launched to coincide with The UK in a Changing Europe’s conference Brexit: local and devolved government, which … Continue reading “Brexit: Local and Devolved Government”

Digital Opportunities – All about the Space

It will have been hard to miss the news last month that Elon Musk had successfully launched his Tesla car into orbit on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. As images emerged in the media of ‘Starman’ gliding through space in his red car, listening to the music of David Bowie, the significance of this technological … Continue reading “Digital Opportunities – All about the Space”

Shaping apprenticeships to employer, economic and individual young people’s needs – does too much reform bring risks?

Apprenticeships have a long history in England. They have their roots in medieval craft guilds. Children went away to live with host families for the purpose of being taught the skills associated with a craft. The 1563 Statute of Artificers marked the first national system of apprenticeship training in England. The Statute required seven years … Continue reading “Shaping apprenticeships to employer, economic and individual young people’s needs – does too much reform bring risks?”

Snow, Snow, Glorious Snow: Funding and Financing Local Infrastructure in the UK

Snow, snow, glorious snow. The UK is currently experiencing the impacts of the ‘beast from the east’ as cold air from Russia and eastern Europe creates the conditions that produce, in many parts of the UK, transport chaos. This type of periodic weather disruption to infrastructure is a reminder of how reliant we are on … Continue reading “Snow, Snow, Glorious Snow: Funding and Financing Local Infrastructure in the UK”

UK Automotive Supply Chains Are Not Lean!

With its origins traceable to the Japanese Toyota Production System and the publication of one of the best-selling books amongst both academics and practitioners, ‘The Machine that Changed the World’, the concept of lean production has received substantial attention and has become well embedded within automotive studies in Operations Management (OM) and Supply Chain Management … Continue reading “UK Automotive Supply Chains Are Not Lean!”

How Brexit will hit different UK regions and industries

The very areas of the UK which voted Leave in June 2016 are likely to be the ones hardest hit by Brexit. Our research on the likely economic consequences of leaving the European Union on different regions and industries is consistent with the recently leaked government analysis which suggests that London will be one of … Continue reading “How Brexit will hit different UK regions and industries”

Workers on the move: does Brexit threaten social justice and the economy?

The 20th February 2018 sees the World Day of Social Justice. Social justice is an underlying principle of peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations. For the United Nations, the pursuit of social justice for all is at the core of their global mission to promote development and human dignity. The adoption by the International … Continue reading “Workers on the move: does Brexit threaten social justice and the economy?”

Devolution: Are cities on track in the worst of times?

Regardless of the arguments for and against, the subject of devolution is here to stay. The unprecedented interest levels in the EU Referendum meant that record numbers of people voted, and at its core, this was a reflection on devolution, and who makes decisions on our behalf. So, how far has devolution come? In a … Continue reading “Devolution: Are cities on track in the worst of times?”

Valentine’s Day and the Commodification of Love or the Economic Impacts of Courtship

Valentine was a 3rd century martyr, or was he? There are two Valentines associated with the 14 February. First, a Roman priest who was martyred supposedly under the rule of Claudius and, second, a bishop of Terni who was martyred in Rome but whose remains were then removed to Terni. The accounts of both these … Continue reading “Valentine’s Day and the Commodification of Love or the Economic Impacts of Courtship”