Understanding Student Behaviour: Trends in Working While Studying, The Impact of Student Loans and Implications for Young People’s Economic Activity

Dr Kostas Kollydas discusses changes over time in student employment, student loan developments, and the likely effects of these changes on the educational and economic outcomes of young individuals. This blog is part of a series looking at the UK Labour Market. See also: – Why are the Over-50s Leaving the Workforce? Labour Market Flows … Continue reading “Understanding Student Behaviour: Trends in Working While Studying, The Impact of Student Loans and Implications for Young People’s Economic Activity”

International Migration and the UK Labour Market: Changes and Challenges

Anne Green discusses recent changes to international migration and its impact on the UK labour market. This blog is part of a series looking at the UK Labour Market. See also: – Why are the Over-50s Leaving the Workforce? Labour Market Flows and Future Participation Flows – How do Fertility Rates and Childcare Costs Play … Continue reading “International Migration and the UK Labour Market: Changes and Challenges”

Shedding Light on Productivity in the West Midlands

Rebecca Riley discusses a new report examining productivity in the West Midlands. The report is written by Melisa Wickham and is in collaboration with the West Midlands Combined Authority. This report focuses on labour productivity – which measures how much output is produced per unit of labour input. There are varying measures of labour input, … Continue reading “Shedding Light on Productivity in the West Midlands”

Why are the Over-50s Leaving the Workforce? – Labour Market Flows and Future Participation Flows

Rebecca Riley takes a look at some of the factors behind the over-50s leaving work and what this means for the UK labour market. This blog is part of a series looking at the UK Labour Market. See also: – How do Fertility Rates and Childcare Costs Play out in the UK Labour Market? – … Continue reading “Why are the Over-50s Leaving the Workforce? – Labour Market Flows and Future Participation Flows”

Too Many Demands are Being Placed on Universities To Support Their Regional Economies, Without Sufficient Support and Partnership

Dr James Davies discusses the pressures on Universities to support the Creative Industries, whilst themselves lacking sufficient support, industry partnerships and clarity of purpose. This blog was originally written for the Creative Industries, Policy and Data Centre. The creative industries have long been heralded as a UK success story. The creative economy grew at twice … Continue reading “Too Many Demands are Being Placed on Universities To Support Their Regional Economies, Without Sufficient Support and Partnership”

Podcast: The Economic and Social Impacts of Mega-Events

With the World Cup finishing this weekend, Professor Calvin Jones and Dr Matt Lyons discuss what are the economic and social impacts of mega-events and how can they be effectively measured. What do countries gain from hosting events like the World Cup or the Commonwealth Games? This podcast was inspired by the Birmingham Economic Review … Continue reading “Podcast: The Economic and Social Impacts of Mega-Events”

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Alice Pugh looks at the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on the Christmas season. Whether you view Christmas as a religious or commercial holiday, for most households in the UK it should be a beautiful time of the year filled with joy. However, this year the cost-of-living crisis is the grinch which is stealing Christmas … Continue reading “The Nightmare Before Christmas”

The Autumn Statement – The Impact on the West Midlands

Alice Pugh takes an in-depth look at the Autumn Statement and what it means for the West Midlands. For futher analysis see: The Autumn Statement – Key Announcements The Autumn Statement was finally released last week detailing government tax and spending plans. The budget comes at a time of significant political and economic turbulence. The … Continue reading “The Autumn Statement – The Impact on the West Midlands”

The Autumn Statement – Key Announcements

  Alice Pugh provides an overview of the key announcements to come out of the Autumn Statement. For futher analysis see: The Autumn Statement – The Impact on the West Midlands The Autumn Statement was finally released last week detailing government tax and spending plans. The budget comes at a time of significant political and … Continue reading “The Autumn Statement – Key Announcements”

Qatar World Cup 2022: Counting the Cost of the Beautiful Game

With the Qatar World Cup just underway, Matt Lyons takes a look at the costs of the megaevent for Qatar, and what the potential benefits might be for the host country. The Qatar World Cup kicked off (sorry) yesterday and an estimated 1.2 million visitors will visit the first Middle East nation to host the … Continue reading “Qatar World Cup 2022: Counting the Cost of the Beautiful Game”