Economic Justice in Birmingham and the Black Country Shows That Levelling-up Needs to Focus on People Not Areas

In this blog, Peter Kenway, Director for the New Policy Institute discusses their new report looking at the state of economic justice in Birmingham and the Black Country.   NPI’s new report on economic justice, published by the Barrow Cadbury Trust, assembles the statistics to tell a story that people who live in Birmingham and the … Continue reading “Economic Justice in Birmingham and the Black Country Shows That Levelling-up Needs to Focus on People Not Areas”

The Impact of Covid-19 on Jobs and Skills in Birmingham

Dr Abigail Taylor discusses the impact of COVID-19 on jobs and skills in Birmingham, an area with large automotive and education sectors and a younger than average population. This blog post has been produced to provide insight into the findings of the Birmingham Economic Review. The Birmingham Economic Review 2020 is produced by City-REDI / WM REDI, University of … Continue reading “The Impact of Covid-19 on Jobs and Skills in Birmingham”

The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Childcare and Implications for Participation in the Labour Market

In this blog, Dr Sara Hassan looks at the impact of COVID-19 on the childcare sector, a sector already facing significant challenges before the pandemic, which then saw a massive drop in usage when lockdowns began.  Since lockdown, many working parents have experienced difficulty in being able to work with some childcare providers closing their … Continue reading “The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Childcare and Implications for Participation in the Labour Market”

Labour Market Challenges: The Impact of COVID-19 on Ethnic Minority Groups in Birmingham

Professor Anne Green discusses the labour market challenges ethnic minority groups in Birmingham faced before COVID-19 and how the virus has exacerbated these issues. This blog post has been produced to provide insight into the findings of the Birmingham Economic Review. The Birmingham Economic Review 2020 is produced by City-REDI / WM REDI, University of … Continue reading “Labour Market Challenges: The Impact of COVID-19 on Ethnic Minority Groups in Birmingham”

Social Housing, Employment and the Economy

In this blog, Professor Anne Green discusses a report published by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Housing and Social Mobility called “Improving Opportunities: How to support social housing tenants into sustainable employment”, which was released in October. The report outlines the role that social housing providers can play in supporting households and communities into … Continue reading “Social Housing, Employment and the Economy”

Creating More Just Cities by Supporting Social Housing Tenants Into Work

This blog is based on a recent submission from the Just City project to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Social Mobility, available here. Liam discusses the many challenges faced by those living in social housing in relation to employment, social infrastructure, language and skills deficiencies, and what actions we can take to help … Continue reading “Creating More Just Cities by Supporting Social Housing Tenants Into Work”

Tackling Worklessness: A Focus on Young People

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates is a bi-annual publication which will get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WM REDI staff and guest contributors will discuss some of the key topics when trying to understand the long-term economic impacts of the pandemic. In this article, Professor Anne Green looks at youth … Continue reading “Tackling Worklessness: A Focus on Young People”

Has COVID-19 Changed the Terrain of Engagement?

Liam O’Farrell considers the impact of Covid-19 on civic engagement: Will the pandemic make authorities more interested in digital public consultation? This blog is based on a report called “States of participation: International Best Practice in Civic Engagement“. Given that Covid-19 has only recently become part of our lives, there has not yet been a … Continue reading “Has COVID-19 Changed the Terrain of Engagement?”

Economic Aspects of the COVID-19 Crisis in the UK: DELVE Report No. 5

Dr Chloe Billing looks into the importance of high-quality data and the impact having access to this can have on influencing decision making and policy. By way of example, she looks at the impact the recent DELVE report has had on supply chains and intraregional inequalities. On the 14th August, the DELVE initiative released their … Continue reading “Economic Aspects of the COVID-19 Crisis in the UK: DELVE Report No. 5”

The REDI Interview: The Role of Housebuilding in the UK’s Recovery From COVID-19

Welcome to the second edition of REDI Updates. Recently we spoke to the Rt Hon Chris Pincher MP, Housing Minister at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, about the role housebuilding has in the UK’s recovery from COVID-19. Here’s what he said: This has been the most testing period in recent history. But … Continue reading “The REDI Interview: The Role of Housebuilding in the UK’s Recovery From COVID-19”