Four propositions for the Much-Anticipated Levelling Up White Paper

Will Rossiter,  Anne Green and Rebecca Riley discuss new research that identifies a number of challenges for the upcoming Levelling Up White Paper.  Recent research from City-REDI/ WMREDI at the University of Birmingham and Nottingham Business School at Nottingham Trent University on the geography and functioning of places and the institutions, practice and policies associated … Continue reading “Four propositions for the Much-Anticipated Levelling Up White Paper”

Levelling Up in the Knowledge Economy: Can the Ruhr Shake off its Rust?

Professor Matthias Kiese discusses the structural transformation of the Ruhr in Germany, a region attempting to leave behind its industrial past and move towards a knowledge-based economy.   A broader analysis looking at the progress the Ruhr region has made towards levelling up over the last five decades can be found in the Industrial Strategy Council’s … Continue reading “Levelling Up in the Knowledge Economy: Can the Ruhr Shake off its Rust?”

Harnessing the Digital Economy: The Role of Early Adoption of Digital Technologies

In this blog, Tasos Kitsos, Emmanouil Tranos and Raquel Ortega-Argiles discuss their most recent publication on the impact of early engagement with the digital economy on regional productivity. There is hardly a need to argue the importance of digitisation and the digital economy on our everyday lives. The fact that virtually every governance level (from … Continue reading “Harnessing the Digital Economy: The Role of Early Adoption of Digital Technologies”

International Evidence on Levelling Up

A new report co-authored by the Industrial Strategy Council (ISC) and City-REDI researcher, Abigail Taylor, was published recently examining international evidence on what it takes to “level up” places. Watch clips from the event and view more work from this project.  The report analyses experiences in four international case study areas (Estonia, San Antonio, Greater … Continue reading “International Evidence on Levelling Up”

Regional Resilience: The Co-dependence of Business and Regions in Recovery

This article was written by Professor Simon Collinson for the National Centre for Universities and Business’ seventh annual assessment of the health of collaborative partnerships – The State of the Relationship Report 2020.  The article reflects on regional specialisms, the unequal impact of the disruptions of 2020 and the value of analysis of regional economies. … Continue reading “Regional Resilience: The Co-dependence of Business and Regions in Recovery”

The Impact of Covid-19 on Jobs and Skills in Birmingham

Dr Abigail Taylor discusses the impact of COVID-19 on jobs and skills in Birmingham, an area with large automotive and education sectors and a younger than average population. This blog post has been produced to provide insight into the findings of the Birmingham Economic Review. The Birmingham Economic Review 2020 is produced by City-REDI / WM REDI, University of … Continue reading “The Impact of Covid-19 on Jobs and Skills in Birmingham”

New publication: UK analysts’ and policy-makers’ perspectives on Brexit: challenges, priorities and opportunities for subnational areas

Dr Deniz Sevinc, Professor Raquel Ortega-Argiles and Dr Chloe Billing discuss how the voice of the expert was sidelined during the Brexit debates, and why it is crucial for these voices to be heard again for local and regional areas.  Over the last two years, as a part of our ESRC funded project “The Economic Impacts … Continue reading “New publication: UK analysts’ and policy-makers’ perspectives on Brexit: challenges, priorities and opportunities for subnational areas”

City-REDI Policy Briefing: Which Kinds of Firms Contribute Most to Regional Growth?

In this policy briefing, Dr Fengjie Pan and Professor Simon Collinson look at why some firms and sectors make a larger contribution to local and regional economies than others.   Many City-REDI projects aim to help policymakers optimise the use of scarce public resources to promote economic growth and wellbeing locally and regionally. Some of these policies … Continue reading “City-REDI Policy Briefing: Which Kinds of Firms Contribute Most to Regional Growth?”

Economic Aspects of the COVID-19 Crisis in the UK: DELVE Report No. 5

Dr Chloe Billing looks into the importance of high-quality data and the impact having access to this can have on influencing decision making and policy. By way of example, she looks at the impact the recent DELVE report has had on supply chains and intraregional inequalities. On the 14th August, the DELVE initiative released their … Continue reading “Economic Aspects of the COVID-19 Crisis in the UK: DELVE Report No. 5”

The REDI Interview: The Role of Housebuilding in the UK’s Recovery From COVID-19

Welcome to the second edition of REDI Updates. Recently we spoke to the Rt Hon Chris Pincher MP, Housing Minister at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, about the role housebuilding has in the UK’s recovery from COVID-19. Here’s what he said: This has been the most testing period in recent history. But … Continue reading “The REDI Interview: The Role of Housebuilding in the UK’s Recovery From COVID-19”