Meet Professor Stephan Weiler, Fulbright Distinguished Research Chair at the University of Birmingham

Professor Stephan Weiler is currently visiting City-REDI as a Fulbright Distinguished Research Chair. The Fulbright Distinguished Chair Awards are viewed as the most prestigious appointments in the Fulbright Scholar Program, a global exchange program now in existence for over seventy years. In a series of blogs, Stephan will introduce himself, outline how this partnership came … Continue reading “Meet Professor Stephan Weiler, Fulbright Distinguished Research Chair at the University of Birmingham”

Knowledge Translation and People-led Approaches to Achieving Urban Sustainable Development Goals: Reflections from the African Perspective 12+ Conference, Delft

Global air pollution is a problem attributed to urbanisation and provides a good reference point for understanding and addressing the gap between scientific knowledge and policy practice in Africa. African development potentials and challenges have been identified and ways forward suggested in many publications and conferences. Yet, the reality of African development challenges is a … Continue reading “Knowledge Translation and People-led Approaches to Achieving Urban Sustainable Development Goals: Reflections from the African Perspective 12+ Conference, Delft”

From Washington DC: Geographies of Human Rights, Responsible Inclusive Prosperity and the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers

It is that time of year when geographers from across the world descend on to some American city to discuss all things geographical. Last year, the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) was in New Orleans. This year the conference is based in Washington DC. The conference location always tends to favour … Continue reading “From Washington DC: Geographies of Human Rights, Responsible Inclusive Prosperity and the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers”

The Economic Impacts of Physical Inactivity and the West Midlands’ Strategy to Increase Walking and Cycling

The World Health Organization recommends that all adults aged between 18 and 64 years old should do at least 30 minutes a day of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week to achieve a healthy body mass and weight. Any individual that reaches the level of physical activity recommended according to their age is considered … Continue reading “The Economic Impacts of Physical Inactivity and the West Midlands’ Strategy to Increase Walking and Cycling”

A Bollywood Solution to Air Pollution: Linking Research and Policy to the Cinema Screen

On the 6-7 March 2019, Professor John Bryson participated in a workshop in New Dehli exploring the challenges of urban air pollution. The workshop was co-organised by the University of Birmingham with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Professor Bryson is part of the team working on the ASAP East Africa Project – which aims to provide … Continue reading “A Bollywood Solution to Air Pollution: Linking Research and Policy to the Cinema Screen”

City-REDI Brexit Regional Participatory Workshop Videos

Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, “The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, its Regions, its Cities and its Sectors” project started in April 2017 and is part of a series of 25 projects funded by ESRC to support the initiative UK in a Changing Europe coordinated by Professor Anand Menon at King’s … Continue reading “City-REDI Brexit Regional Participatory Workshop Videos”

The Invisible Killer and Responsible Inclusive Prosperity: Tackling the Challenges of Urban Air Pollution – Delhi India, 6-7 March 2019

Air pollution is a major global challenge that is responsible for 1 in 10 deaths and has been estimated to cost US$5.1 trillion. Last week I was in New Delhi participating in a workshop to explore the challenges of urban air pollution co-organised by the University of Birmingham with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. … Continue reading “The Invisible Killer and Responsible Inclusive Prosperity: Tackling the Challenges of Urban Air Pollution – Delhi India, 6-7 March 2019”

The Economic Impacts of Brexit in Europe: Regional Participatory Workshop – European Committee of the Regions

As a part of our ESRC funded project “The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, its Regions, its Cities and its Sectors”, we ran a series of regional participatory workshops in an attempt to disseminate the outputs of the project as well as to connect with broader public policy arenas at the national and … Continue reading “The Economic Impacts of Brexit in Europe: Regional Participatory Workshop – European Committee of the Regions”

Meet Dr Diana Gutiérrez Posada, Research Fellow at City-REDI

As a researcher, I’m interested in the differences between regions, trying to understand why some areas flourish while others struggle, and how this is related to a regions characteristics (framed in a certain spatial context), which is broadly what Economic Geography looks at. I am keenly interested in the interplay between structural and circumstantial features. … Continue reading “Meet Dr Diana Gutiérrez Posada, Research Fellow at City-REDI”

Serendipity: Is the Answer to the Productivity Problem Written in the Stars?

This blog was written by Carol Stanfield from Carol Stanfield Consulting who has co-authored a report for the Productivity Insights Network with Professor Anne Green and George Bramley at City-REDI.  The full report is entitled Evaluation of co-designed programmes for boosting productivity: a follow-up of selected UK Futures Programme projects. It’s not often you get to … Continue reading “Serendipity: Is the Answer to the Productivity Problem Written in the Stars?”