How Does the Innovation Performance of the West Midlands Rank on the National and International Stage?

Kelvin Humphreys and colleagues use World Intellectual Property Organisation’s (WIPO) annual Global Innovation Index to assess how innovative the West Midlands is. This is part of a series of blogs looking at Innovation in the West Midlands. Find out more about our work on regional innovation systems. Summary This analysis compares the innovation performance of … Continue reading “How Does the Innovation Performance of the West Midlands Rank on the National and International Stage?”

The Fifth Edition of City-REDI REsearch SYmposium (CRRESY)

On May 12th 2022, City-REDI hosted its biannual research symposium. The online event had a range of presentations from City-REDI researchers showcasing some of the diversity of research in the Institute. This blog provides an over of research from the event and readers are encouraged to contact the presenters for more information. Summary of projects The … Continue reading “The Fifth Edition of City-REDI REsearch SYmposium (CRRESY)”

Midlands Engine Observatory Academic Insights: Challenges and Opportunities for the Midlands Regional Economy

In partnership with the Midlands Engine, City-REDI / WMREDI staff have compiled several think pieces on key emerging trends on regional economic data points. View our Midlands Engine Observatory project page Flexible Working Patterns Firstly, Dr Abigail Taylor looks at flexible working patterns. Greater demand for flexible and hybrid working practices has emerged following the … Continue reading “Midlands Engine Observatory Academic Insights: Challenges and Opportunities for the Midlands Regional Economy”

Breaking Bias: International Women’s Week – Where Are All the Women Innovators?

Carolin Ioramashvili explores the gender pay gap among Innovate UK-funded businesses. STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and maths) industries are notorious for the under-representation of women, as well as ethnic and other minorities. Long seen as “boys” subjects, this under-representation starts from the choice of undergraduate courses and is echoed at higher levels of higher education … Continue reading “Breaking Bias: International Women’s Week – Where Are All the Women Innovators?”

University R&D and Innovation Are Essential to Government Ambitions for Levelling Up

Professor Simon Collinson highlights the significance of University R&D to regional economics in the UK and why this is so important for levelling up.  This blog was first posted on the Birmingham Brief.  The benefits of economic growth and wealth creation are usually distributed unevenly. Dealing with the increase in socio-economic and spatial inequality requires … Continue reading “University R&D and Innovation Are Essential to Government Ambitions for Levelling Up”

STEM Assets and Regional Growth – What We Know, and What We Don’t

Dr Carolin Ioramashvili and Dr Pei-Yu Yuan discuss their WMREDI project looking at STEM Assets in the West Midlands, starting with a literature review in the area.  Basic research and development, often undertaken by universities is a vital ingredient in the innovation process. Businesses and other organisations rely on scientific insights to develop and improve … Continue reading “STEM Assets and Regional Growth – What We Know, and What We Don’t”

Levelling Up Through Innovation

On 25th November 2021, Professor Simon Collinson took part in a House of Commons Select Committee to explore the role of technology, research and innovation in the UK’s recovery from Covid-19. In this blog, Simon discusses some of the key points to come out of the committee.  What are the opportunities and challenges for R&D … Continue reading “Levelling Up Through Innovation”

Science, Universities and Rebalancing the UK Economy: A Provocation   

Professor John Goddard suggests how targeted R&D spending in universities could help rebalance the UK economy regionally.  R&D Spending and the ‘levelling up’ agenda The Conservative Party’s election manifesto pledged to spend £22bn per annum on research by 2024-25. Many argued that this could only be justified if the research system moves towards supporting the … Continue reading “Science, Universities and Rebalancing the UK Economy: A Provocation   “

Professor Raquel Ortega-Argiles Wins the 2021 Martin Beckmann RSAI Annual Award for Best Paper

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) has announced that this year’s Martin Beckmann RSAI Annual Award for the Best Paper published in Papers in Regional Science in the year 2020 has been given to the paper: Optimizing entrepreneurial development processes for smart specialization in the European Union, by László Szerb, Raquel Ortega-Argilés, Zoltan J. Acs, and Éva Komlósi, published in Volume 99, Issue 5, October … Continue reading “Professor Raquel Ortega-Argiles Wins the 2021 Martin Beckmann RSAI Annual Award for Best Paper”

R&D Investment in Our City-Region: Local Potential for Future Inclusive Growth

Professor Simon Collinson discusses a recent study by City-REDI and the West Midland Combined Authority mapping the inflows of various kinds of public R&D investment into the region.  R&D and the West Midlands The West Midlands attracts a significant amount of private sector R&D investment, about £398 per capita according to one study (Jones and … Continue reading “R&D Investment in Our City-Region: Local Potential for Future Inclusive Growth”