How Brexit will hit different UK regions and industries

The very areas of the UK which voted Leave in June 2016 are likely to be the ones hardest hit by Brexit. Our research on the likely economic consequences of leaving the European Union on different regions and industries is consistent with the recently leaked government analysis which suggests that London will be one of … Continue reading “How Brexit will hit different UK regions and industries”

Workers on the move: does Brexit threaten social justice and the economy?

The 20th February 2018 sees the World Day of Social Justice. Social justice is an underlying principle of peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations. For the United Nations, the pursuit of social justice for all is at the core of their global mission to promote development and human dignity. The adoption by the International … Continue reading “Workers on the move: does Brexit threaten social justice and the economy?”

City-REDI publications series: Professor Raquel Ortega-Argiles – The continental divide? Economic exposure to Brexit in regions and countries on both sides of the Channel

As part of a new blog series, we will be highlighting the excellent research produced by the City-REDI team since 2015, with the aim of creating an online searchable library. You can view this work by searching the blog with the relevant tag, either using the name of the author or the year of the publication. The … Continue reading “City-REDI publications series: Professor Raquel Ortega-Argiles – The continental divide? Economic exposure to Brexit in regions and countries on both sides of the Channel”

An Assessment of Brexit Risks for 54 Industries: Most Services Industries are also Exposed

The UK government this week admitted that it did not undertake sectoral impact assessments regarding the potential impacts of Brexit on individual sectors. Two of the main reasons for not undertaking such analyses is the fact that we do not yet know the outcome of the UK-EU negotiations on their future relationship as well as … Continue reading “An Assessment of Brexit Risks for 54 Industries: Most Services Industries are also Exposed”

The continental divide? Economic exposure to Brexit in regions and countries on both sides of the Channel

This blog was first posted on The UK in a Changing Europe website. You can view more details about the project here.  The work of our international research team, led by City-REDI Institute at the University of Birmingham, has so far focused on assessing the size of the Brexit-related risk exposure for the UK, every other EU … Continue reading “The continental divide? Economic exposure to Brexit in regions and countries on both sides of the Channel”

Has Brexit reshaped British Politics?

POLSIS (Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham) hosted the first of their seminar series last week which saw the legendary Professor John Curtice – the nation’s leading expert on elections, voting and public opinion and “the man who won the 2017 elections” – assess last year’s EU Referendum result and British … Continue reading “Has Brexit reshaped British Politics?”

The West Midlands is in a strong position to tackle the challenges of Brexit

City-REDI’s John Bryson, Professor of Enterprise and Competitiveness at Birmingham Business School, spoke on BBC West Midlands last week. He was asked to respond to recent figures released by Centre for Cities that suggest that cities in the West Midlands are in a stronger position to tackle the challenges of Brexit that those in the south … Continue reading “The West Midlands is in a strong position to tackle the challenges of Brexit”

West Midlands’ Service exports to the EU: Brexit will not be the same for every region

On July 11, the ONS has released its estimates of regional Service exports for GB regions. The release is here – Doing one of my favourite things and turning absolute figures to percentages, a number of interesting insights come up. Below, the commentary focuses only on Manufacturing; Wholesale and Motor Trades; Information and Communication; … Continue reading “West Midlands’ Service exports to the EU: Brexit will not be the same for every region”

What are the economic impacts of Brexit on the UK’s sectors, regions and cities?

This piece was written by City-REDI’s Professor Raquel Ortega-Argilés. Recent research suggests that the UK’s cities and regions which voted for Brexit are also the most economically dependent on EU markets for their prosperity and viability (Los, McCann, Springford and Thissen, 2017). This is a result of their differing sectoral and trade composition. Different impacts are … Continue reading “What are the economic impacts of Brexit on the UK’s sectors, regions and cities?”

“Article 218(11) TFEU, Opinion 2/15” or “Herding European Cats” and Post-Brexit Negotiations? The European Commission and the Negotiation of Free Trade Agreements

The following piece was written by City-REDI’s Prof. John Bryson. Managing academics is often described as a process that is more akin to herding cats – in other words, academics are impossible to manage, or perhaps very difficult to manage and their management is perhaps more akin to a process of negotiation. The more parties … Continue reading ““Article 218(11) TFEU, Opinion 2/15” or “Herding European Cats” and Post-Brexit Negotiations? The European Commission and the Negotiation of Free Trade Agreements”