Never-exit Brexit and Remaining within the European Union: Half-Hearted versus Enthusiastic Remainers

It has been the day of all fools. The UK Parliament continues in its inability to make any progress regarding the on-going relationship between the UK and the EU. I am beginning to wonder about time and space and the entry of the UK and the EU into a new historical period. This is perhaps … Continue reading “Never-exit Brexit and Remaining within the European Union: Half-Hearted versus Enthusiastic Remainers”

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From Washington DC: Geographies of Human Rights, Responsible Inclusive Prosperity and the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers

It is that time of year when geographers from across the world descend on to some American city to discuss all things geographical. Last year, the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) was in New Orleans. This year the conference is based in Washington DC. The conference location always tends to favour … Continue reading “From Washington DC: Geographies of Human Rights, Responsible Inclusive Prosperity and the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers”

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The Economic Impacts of Physical Inactivity and the West Midlands’ Strategy to Increase Walking and Cycling

The World Health Organization recommends that all adults aged between 18 and 64 years old should do at least 30 minutes a day of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week to achieve a healthy body mass and weight. Any individual that reaches the level of physical activity recommended according to their age is considered … Continue reading “The Economic Impacts of Physical Inactivity and the West Midlands’ Strategy to Increase Walking and Cycling”

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Is High Speed Two going to change Britain? High-speed rail in an international perspective

While recent media headlines might be devoted exclusively to Brexit, there are a raft of other major government projects – from Universal Credit to the MoD’s new aircraft carriers – that also attract a lot of column space. One of these is undoubtedly High Speed Two. The government says this is a once-in-a-generation chance to … Continue reading “Is High Speed Two going to change Britain? High-speed rail in an international perspective”

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Parliamentary ‘Constipation’: Toilet Paper, Brexit Apocalypse and the Kalends or Ides of April

I had a dream last night. I awoke on the Kalends or perhaps the Ides of April to a Brexit Apocalypse. The UK Government had failed to persuade Parliament to approve the withdrawal deal and the UK had left the EU without the benefits of a negotiated and agreed deal. There is much confusion here … Continue reading “Parliamentary ‘Constipation’: Toilet Paper, Brexit Apocalypse and the Kalends or Ides of April”

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The March edition of the West Midlands Economic Monitor is now available

This month’s edition of the West Midlands Economic Monitor is now available for download. We look at the changes in regional productivity, employment, business activity and house prices in the region, as well as projects that have been announced in rail, 5G internet, electric cars and adult education in the West Midlands. You can get … Continue reading “The March edition of the West Midlands Economic Monitor is now available”

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Meet Massimiliano Nuccio, Research Fellow at City-REDI

I enthusiastically accepted to join City REDI at the University of Birmingham because I believe it is a unique academic research centre in its scope and approach. Since starting at City-REDI have found a stimulating working environment, passionate people and very skilled colleagues. Although my background is in economics and business, my career has not … Continue reading “Meet Massimiliano Nuccio, Research Fellow at City-REDI”

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What do England’s towns need from devolution post-Brexit?

With just a couple of weeks to go until the UK’s planned exit from the European Union, the country still faces significant uncertainties about the shape Brexit will take and the impact it will have on businesses and livelihoods. Yet perhaps more concerning is what Brexit has so starkly revealed about the state of regional … Continue reading “What do England’s towns need from devolution post-Brexit?”

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A Bollywood Solution to Air Pollution: Linking Research and Policy to the Cinema Screen

On the 6-7 March 2019, Professor John Bryson participated in a workshop in New Dehli exploring the challenges of urban air pollution. The workshop was co-organised by the University of Birmingham with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Professor Bryson is part of the team working on the ASAP East Africa Project – which aims to provide … Continue reading “A Bollywood Solution to Air Pollution: Linking Research and Policy to the Cinema Screen”

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