West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 18th December 2020

Welcome to the final monitor of 2020. The monitor was established at the start of the pandemic to look at the impacts as they unfolded and to bring together any available information from across partners. We had not envisaged at the start that this would still be needed thirty-nine weeks later. The WM REDI partners … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 18th December 2020”

Changes to the UK Immigration System After the Brexit Transition Period

Professor Anne Green discusses how Brexit, recession and COVID-19 will impact immigration to the UK and create an unpredictable situation where some sectors and occupations may struggle to meet their labour and skills needs.  This is part two of a blog series on International Travel, Migration and Immigration. View the first blog.  Summary Recession and … Continue reading “Changes to the UK Immigration System After the Brexit Transition Period”

COVID-19 and the Impact on International Mobility and Migration

In this blog, Professor Anne Green discusses the COVID-19 pandemic and associated travel restrictions which have led to a marked reduction in international travel and immigration to the UK. It has also disrupted the collection of statistics on international travel and immigration. Across various indicators, there has been a reduction in immigration to the UK. … Continue reading “COVID-19 and the Impact on International Mobility and Migration”

West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 11th December 2020

This week, the first Covid-19 vaccination in the world was carried out in the West Midlands. Although there are signs of optimism following this, longer-term uncertainty over the Brexit deal continues. European equity futures have risen following stocks rising in much of Asia and the U.S. S&P 500 closed at an all-time high. In Washington, Treasury Secretary … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 11th December 2020”

West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 4th December 2020

This week the national lockdown ended and areas have reverted back to tiers. The West Midlands is in tier 3, the highest tier with most restrictions. This is forcing the continued closure or reduced functioning of many businesses specifically in hospitality, tourism and retail. As Brexit draws closer businesses are raising more issues and concerns … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 4th December 2020”

Vaccine Optimism and Global Economic Recovery

News of possible vaccines for the Covid-19 virus has been encouraging, not only for health but also for industry and recovery. But how effective are they likely to be, how will they be distributed, and what will be the likely overall effects for the economy? Dr Deniz Sevinc takes a look at the evidence. November marked … Continue reading “Vaccine Optimism and Global Economic Recovery”

Labour Market Challenges: The Impact of COVID-19 on Ethnic Minority Groups in Birmingham

Professor Anne Green discusses the labour market challenges ethnic minority groups in Birmingham faced before COVID-19 and how the virus has exacerbated these issues. This blog post has been produced to provide insight into the findings of the Birmingham Economic Review. The Birmingham Economic Review 2020 is produced by City-REDI / WM REDI, University of … Continue reading “Labour Market Challenges: The Impact of COVID-19 on Ethnic Minority Groups in Birmingham”

The Disproportionate Impact of COVID-19 on Ethnic Minorities in the West Midlands

Dr Deniz Sevinc looks at the disproportionately strong effects of Covid-19 on minority ethnic groups within the West Midlands Region and the struggles they face at work, at home, and in the healthcare system. Covid-19 has exacerbated longstanding inequalities affecting Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) groups in the UK as mounting evidence suggests that … Continue reading “The Disproportionate Impact of COVID-19 on Ethnic Minorities in the West Midlands”

West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 13th November 2020

This week we see cases continuing to rise and the adjustment to Lockdown 2. In terms of wellbeing, nationally, people are feeling the least satisfied with life since March, they are suffering the largest drop in how they feel about the things they do in their lives, anxiety levels are on the rise and happiness … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 13th November 2020”

Regional Economic Exposure of COVID-19 Measures: Shutting Down Hospitality and Recreational Activities

Dr Andre Carrascal looks at the impact the latest lockdown measures will have on sectors that have been forced to closed and how this will affect regions around the UK. People in the UK are again facing a national lockdown and, like at the end of March, some sectors are forced to close in order … Continue reading “Regional Economic Exposure of COVID-19 Measures: Shutting Down Hospitality and Recreational Activities”