Brexit and the City: implications for EU capital markets

By Professor Andrew Mullineux, Professor of Financial Economics, Research Associate at the Lloyds Centre for Responsible Business The Department of Finance, University of Birmingham Banks and other financial institutions are preparing for Brexit (and a potential ‘no-deal’ Brexit) by opening and moving staff to offices in EU cities. We can expect to see this trend continue, in … Continue reading “Brexit and the City: implications for EU capital markets”

The fear of crime: is Britain entering a lawless era?

By Professor Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, Professor of Economics Department of Economics, University of Birmingham giving the impression that we live in a dangerous country, filled with criminals who are fearlessly terrorising people with the police helpless to control them. In most Western countries, including the UK, crime rates have fallen over the recent years. Surprisingly, crime rates … Continue reading “The fear of crime: is Britain entering a lawless era?”