Why does policy integration matter for responsible business?

By Dr Nana O Bonsu, Research Fellow Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Responsible Business, University of Birmingham Over time, the term ‘responsible business’ has gained momentum and become more mainstream within policy, academia, and business management practices globally. This is resulting in a shift from the traditional ‘corporate social responsibility’ discourse, to the establishment of … Continue reading “Why does policy integration matter for responsible business?”

Stop expecting consumers to take action on corporate tax avoidance

By Dr Caroline Moraes, Senior Lecturer in Marketing Department of Marketing, University of Birmingham People will tell us that they prefer ethical or sustainable brands. Yet, they will not always behave in ways that resonate with their attitudes. Corporate tax avoidance has been a topical issue for a number of years. Once again, we are witnessing many … Continue reading “Stop expecting consumers to take action on corporate tax avoidance”

Responsible business, time travel and intergenerational equity

By Professor Ian Thomson, Professor of Accounting and Sustainability, Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Responsible Business Centre Director Department of Accounting, University of Birmingham There is an implicit social contract between generations that requires businesses to consider justice across time. Businesses enable time travel; distributing costs, benefits, risks, liabilities and possibilities backwards and forwards through time and … Continue reading “Responsible business, time travel and intergenerational equity”

Resource orchestration for sustainable entrepreneurship: multiple actors’ perspective

To celebrate Responsible Business Week we will be posting a series of blogs on this topic. In this post, Senior Lecturer Dr. Natalia Vershinina and Research Fellow Dr. Vivek Soundararajan tackle sustainable entrepreneurship. We are living in the age, when climate change is accelerated by collective human activity, which includes irresponsible business activity. We seem to think that … Continue reading “Resource orchestration for sustainable entrepreneurship: multiple actors’ perspective”

Sustainable Global Supply Chains: Some Observations From the Field

To celebrate Responsible Business Week we will be posting a series of blogs on this topic. In this post, Lecturer in Management Dr. Vivek Soundararajan offers his own perspective on sustainable global supply chains. Midday in South India, the weather is terribly hot (somewhere between 36 and 38 degree Celsius) and the long-drives, undisciplined eating, lack of … Continue reading “Sustainable Global Supply Chains: Some Observations From the Field”