Brexit and the Lessons from Singapore – Geography Matters, Free Trade Agreements, Integrated Policy and Independence

The following piece was written by City-REDI’s Prof. John Bryson. This week is one spent in Singapore and this provides an opportunity and a stimulus to reflect on the relationship between Brexit, the UK and the example set by Singapore. Singapore comes with associations of free trade, global finance, a major Asian centre, integrated approaches … Continue reading “Brexit and the Lessons from Singapore – Geography Matters, Free Trade Agreements, Integrated Policy and Independence”

Andy Street’s To-Do List: Challenges for the New WMCA Mayor

In this blog, Professor Simon Collinson, City-REDI, discusses the challenges facing the new WMCA Mayor. By a narrow margin on the second ballot, the people of the West Midlands voted for Andy Street to be the first Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) region. He is one of a new group of ‘metro … Continue reading “Andy Street’s To-Do List: Challenges for the New WMCA Mayor”

The Metro Mayor’s Election – 4 May 2017: A Comment on the Task Ahead for the New Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority

  In this blog, City-REDI’sProf. John Bryson provides his reflections on the day of the first ever West Midland’s Mayoral Election. The 4 May, today, is an important day for the West Midlands and especially for those living in this region that will live or work under the governance structure of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA). … Continue reading “The Metro Mayor’s Election – 4 May 2017: A Comment on the Task Ahead for the New Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority”

Local Authority funding in the UK – More ‘graphs of doom’ ahead?

Local government funding has been under severe pressure since the 2008 crisis. This has stress-tested the local authority finances and capacities to identify efficiency savings leading to severe warnings such as Barnet Council’s graph of doom. In this blog, I am bringing together official figures of the drop in local authority funding in order to … Continue reading “Local Authority funding in the UK – More ‘graphs of doom’ ahead?”

Fiscal devolution in the UK – the facts

  Local government funding is once again coming to the fore, especially now that we are approaching the mayoral elections next week on the 4th May. In this blog, City-REDI’sTasos Kitsos discusses fiscal devolution in the UK compared to international experiences. No big introduction needed. This post looks into the numbers related to the extent … Continue reading “Fiscal devolution in the UK – the facts”

Forthcoming Event: Understanding Brexit – Brexit and migration: implications for Birmingham

Tuesday 2 May 2017, 18.00 – 20.00  Impact Hub Birmingham, 58 Oxford Street, Digbeth, Birmingham, B5 5NR  This event will discuss the implications of Brexit for Birmingham in terms of migration. Birmingham is one of the most diverse cities in the UK, having experienced major migration flows over many decades. What does Brexit mean for … Continue reading “Forthcoming Event: Understanding Brexit – Brexit and migration: implications for Birmingham”

What characteristics should we look for in the new Metro Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority?

In this blog, Professor John R. Bryson, City-REDI, outlines the eight key qualities a good or successful Metro Mayor for the West Midlands might need. On 4 May 2017, the people living in the geographic area defined by the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) have the opportunity, for the first time, to elect a mayor. … Continue reading “What characteristics should we look for in the new Metro Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority?”

WMCA Productivity and Skills Commission Launch – Call for Evidence

Achieving the scale of ambition… Today was the launch of the West Midlands Combined Authority Skills and Productivity Commission call for evidence. The WMCA Productivity Leadership Group, led by Dr Andy Palmer and bringing together business leaders from across the LEPs, will ensure that WMCA plans to drive productivity are designed by and for local … Continue reading “WMCA Productivity and Skills Commission Launch – Call for Evidence”

Metro Mayors – Next Steps for Devolution in England

The Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) hosted their event ‘Metro Mayors: next steps for devolution in England’ last week in the run up to the Mayoral elections which will take place in several major city-regions next month on the 4th May. City-REDI’s Charlotte Hoole was … Continue reading “Metro Mayors – Next Steps for Devolution in England”

What hope for modern democracy after Brexit?

The low turnout at last month’s by-elections tells us a lot about the state of modern democracy. With a turnout of just 38% in Stoke-on-Trent and 51% in Copeland, does this signify a time for change in the system of democracy as we currently know it? The idea that the UK is facing a crisis … Continue reading “What hope for modern democracy after Brexit?”