Adapting, Innovating and Preparing for the Near Future: Brexit

This blog post has been produced to provide insight into the findings of the Birmingham Economic Review. The Birmingham Economic Review 2019 is produced by City-REDI, University of Birmingham and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce, with contributions from the West Midlands Growth Company. It is an in-depth exploration of the economy of England’s second … Continue reading “Adapting, Innovating and Preparing for the Near Future: Brexit”

Brexit and the UK’s Regional and Urban Challenges

Brexit poses four direct challenges that relate to sub-national, regional and urban issues. First, it leads to an economic challenge in that the UK’s interregional inequalities are likely to become even greater than they currently are. Second, and consequent upon the first, is that Brexit also leads to a political challenge in that the expectations of voters … Continue reading “Brexit and the UK’s Regional and Urban Challenges”

New focus on the foundations of the UK’s economy might help poorest regions post-Brexit

Among all the uncertainty Brexit is causing, concerns have arisen over the potential fuel it is adding to the pertinent problem of inequality. There is mounting evidence that post-Brexit, the economic and social disparities between the stronger and weaker UK regions will widen. Looking at a number of potential scenarios, estimates suggest that the poorest … Continue reading “New focus on the foundations of the UK’s economy might help poorest regions post-Brexit”

Brexit Employment Risks by Occupation

Brexit will cause impediments to exports from the UK to the EU. These will affect UK sectors to different extents. Some sectors sell large shares of their output to EU markets, while others do not. These differences have an impact on the degree to which specific occupational types of employment are exposed to trade risks … Continue reading “Brexit Employment Risks by Occupation”

Never-exit Brexit and Remaining within the European Union: Half-Hearted versus Enthusiastic Remainers

It has been the day of all fools. The UK Parliament continues in its inability to make any progress regarding the on-going relationship between the UK and the EU. I am beginning to wonder about time and space and the entry of the UK and the EU into a new historical period. This is perhaps … Continue reading “Never-exit Brexit and Remaining within the European Union: Half-Hearted versus Enthusiastic Remainers”

Parliamentary ‘Constipation’: Toilet Paper, Brexit Apocalypse and the Kalends or Ides of April

I had a dream last night. I awoke on the Kalends or perhaps the Ides of April to a Brexit Apocalypse. The UK Government had failed to persuade Parliament to approve the withdrawal deal and the UK had left the EU without the benefits of a negotiated and agreed deal. There is much confusion here … Continue reading “Parliamentary ‘Constipation’: Toilet Paper, Brexit Apocalypse and the Kalends or Ides of April”

What do England’s towns need from devolution post-Brexit?

With just a couple of weeks to go until the UK’s planned exit from the European Union, the country still faces significant uncertainties about the shape Brexit will take and the impact it will have on businesses and livelihoods. Yet perhaps more concerning is what Brexit has so starkly revealed about the state of regional … Continue reading “What do England’s towns need from devolution post-Brexit?”

The Knowns, The Unknowns, Deal or No-deal Brexit and the March 2019 Spring Statement

It is that time of year again when over 250,000 people head to Cheltenham. It is also time for another budgetary statement from the Chancellor, Philip Hammond.  The political timing of the Spring Statement means that it falls within a period of great political uncertainty. Thus, the real risk is that the Spring Statement 2019 … Continue reading “The Knowns, The Unknowns, Deal or No-deal Brexit and the March 2019 Spring Statement”

City-REDI Brexit Regional Participatory Workshop Videos

Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, “The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, its Regions, its Cities and its Sectors” project started in April 2017 and is part of a series of 25 projects funded by ESRC to support the initiative UK in a Changing Europe coordinated by Professor Anand Menon at King’s … Continue reading “City-REDI Brexit Regional Participatory Workshop Videos”

The Economic Impacts of Brexit in Europe: Regional Participatory Workshop – European Committee of the Regions

As a part of our ESRC funded project “The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, its Regions, its Cities and its Sectors”, we ran a series of regional participatory workshops in an attempt to disseminate the outputs of the project as well as to connect with broader public policy arenas at the national and … Continue reading “The Economic Impacts of Brexit in Europe: Regional Participatory Workshop – European Committee of the Regions”