City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – May 2022

Events – presenting work/speaking engagements On 26th April, City-REDI hosted a visit of four people from BEIS (Science, Technology, and Innovation Analysis team). The day included a visit to the Tyseley Energy Park in the morning, followed by lunch and presentations at the Exchange. Professor Anne Green chaired the afternoon discussions, and Professor Simon Collinson, … Continue reading “City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – May 2022”

City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – April 2022

Events – presenting work / speaking engagements On 30th March, George Bramley and Dr Abigail Taylor presented on how incubators can act as engines for growth at a roundtable organised by the West Midlands Health Technologies Cluster. Dr Sara Hassan was hosted in a Podcast by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung to speak about Sustainable Urban Transport Justice and … Continue reading “City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – April 2022”

Midlands Engine Observatory Academic Insights: Challenges and Opportunities for the Midlands Regional Economy

In partnership with the Midlands Engine, City-REDI / WMREDI staff have compiled several think pieces on key emerging trends on regional economic data points. View our Midlands Engine Observatory project page Flexible Working Patterns Firstly, Dr Abigail Taylor looks at flexible working patterns. Greater demand for flexible and hybrid working practices has emerged following the … Continue reading “Midlands Engine Observatory Academic Insights: Challenges and Opportunities for the Midlands Regional Economy”

City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – February 2022

Events – presenting work / speaking engagements John Goddard participated in the first meeting of the Advisory Group for the European Programme on Higher Education and (regional) Smart Specialisation on 11th February. On 22nd February he joined Andrés Rodriguez Pose from LSE as a keynote speaker at the launch of the OECD programme on the … Continue reading “City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – February 2022”

City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – January 2022

Media engagements On 27th January, Professor Simon Collinson and Ellie MacDonald were interviewed by ITV productions as part of a series of films being made for the West Midlands Growth Company. Reports / publications released Abigail Taylor contributed to a new report published by the Centre for Inequality and Levelling Up (CEILUP) at the University … Continue reading “City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – January 2022”

Graduate Pathways: Identifying Patterns of Regional Retention and Attraction

In this blog, Dr Kostas Kollydas discusses his recent WMREDI report co-authored with Professor Anne Green on “Graduate pathways: Identifying patterns of regional retention and attraction”. View the report and project page Report objectives There has been an upsurge in policy interest in levelling up UK regions and exploring the mechanisms that influence the interregional … Continue reading “Graduate Pathways: Identifying Patterns of Regional Retention and Attraction”

Regional Brain Drain and Gain in the UK: Regional Patterns of Graduate Retention and Attraction

In this blog, Dr Kostas Kollydas discusses his recent WMREDI report co-authored with Dr André Carrascal-Incera, Professor Anne Green, Alex Smith and Dr Abigail Taylor on “Regional brain drain and gain in the UK: Regional patterns of graduate retention and attraction”. View and download the report Report objectives New workers with higher education qualifications can … Continue reading “Regional Brain Drain and Gain in the UK: Regional Patterns of Graduate Retention and Attraction”

The City-REDI REsearch SYmposium (CRRESY) – 7 October 2021

On 7th October, City-REDI hosted its biannual research symposium. The online event has seen a range of presentations from City-REDI researchers showcasing some of the diversity of research in the Institute. Below is the programme of presentations, accompanied by the abstracts. Readers are encouraged to contact the presenters for more information on their research. City-REDI … Continue reading “The City-REDI REsearch SYmposium (CRRESY) – 7 October 2021”

Meet Konstantinos Kollydas, City-REDI / WMREDI’s new Research Fellow

I joined City-REDI / WMREDI in May 2021, and I am excited to be a member of a multidisciplinary and highly skilled team. I am particularly attracted by the fact that City-REDI and WMREDI advance the public good and bring together academic researchers, policymakers, and industry representatives. The Institutes’ projects do not merely concentrate on … Continue reading “Meet Konstantinos Kollydas, City-REDI / WMREDI’s new Research Fellow”

Who we are

Academic Team Professor Anne Green Anne Green joined the University of Birmingham as Professor of Regional Economic Development in June 2017. Her research interests span employment, non-employment, regional and local labour market issues, skills strategies, urban and rural development, migration and commuting, associated policy issues and evaluation. She has published in high profile journals and has written … Continue reading “Who we are”