West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 12th February 2021

This week the impacts of EU exit and transition continue to unfold in the news, and the UK and regional PMI has gone back into contraction. As predicted by many forecasters, the ongoing lockdown continues to have a negative impact on the economy, but there are some good news stories in the region with £20 … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 12th February 2021”

International Evidence on Levelling Up

A new report co-authored by the Industrial Strategy Council (ISC) and City-REDI researcher, Abigail Taylor, was published recently examining international evidence on what it takes to “level up” places. Watch clips from the event and view more work from this project.  The report analyses experiences in four international case study areas (Estonia, San Antonio, Greater … Continue reading “International Evidence on Levelling Up”

West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 5th February 2021

This week there is continuing unrest across the world, as political and social changes are affecting world politics. Make UK highlights that manufacturing is still suffering since exiting the EU and there are key issues with barriers to trade. The World Economic Forum states this week that while no nation has emerged unscathed from the … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 5th February 2021”

City-REDI / WM REDI Round Up – January 2021

Events – presenting work/speaking engagements On the 12th January, Professor Raquel Ortega-Argiles contributed as a panellist to the event organised by Connected Places Catapult Event on Innovation Procurement to boost regions in Post-Covid recovery. On the 22nd January, Dr Chloe Billing held the second West Midlands Space Leadership Group Meeting. The meeting was attended by … Continue reading “City-REDI / WM REDI Round Up – January 2021”

West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 29th January 2021

Whilst many countries start to roll back some of their Covid-19 restrictions and are seeing consumer spend bounce back, the UK is still under lockdown conditions. This week the UK reached a bleak milestone, with the total number of Covid-19 deaths reaching 100,000. This makes the UK the fifth country and first in Europe to … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 29th January 2021”

West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 22nd January 2021

This week we have seen significant changes in the USA with the inauguration of the 46th President; this could signal changing relationships which are yet to be understood. The current lockdown is adding uncertainty to business planning and forecasting, the impacts of the new EU trade deal are continuing to unfold, resulting in demonstrations by … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 22nd January 2021”

West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 15th January 2021

This week we have seen continuing unrest in the USA as the administration changes, increasing infection rates globally and turmoil as Brexit impacts continue to unfold in the short-term. Below is a summary of the key issues this week which influence and shape the policy issues in the region. In the USA thousands of Trump … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 15th January 2021”

Regional Resilience: The Co-dependence of Business and Regions in Recovery

This article was written by Professor Simon Collinson for the National Centre for Universities and Business’ seventh annual assessment of the health of collaborative partnerships – The State of the Relationship Report 2020.  The article reflects on regional specialisms, the unequal impact of the disruptions of 2020 and the value of analysis of regional economies. … Continue reading “Regional Resilience: The Co-dependence of Business and Regions in Recovery”

West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 8th January 2021

As 2021 begins, the world is faced with promise and peril according to Deloitte. They note that on the positive side, the distribution of vaccines is underway, offering the promise that, sometime later in the year, the negative impact of the virus could ultimately abate. On the negative side, they highlight the virus continues to … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 8th January 2021”

The Economic Geography of the West Midlands

The State of the Region report provides an in-depth look at West Midlands, its past performance, the impact of COVID-19 and Brexit and what the future might hold. The report was developed and supported by the WM REDI partnership to help deepen our knowledge and understanding of the region.   Find out more and download a … Continue reading “The Economic Geography of the West Midlands”