Local Government and Its Captivity by National Electoral Interests

With the upcoming local elections in England, Dr Tasos Kitsos looks at the influence of distributive politics and the importance of local government to catalyse change where we live. With the local elections coming up in (some of) England, and our recent publication (with Dr Antonios Proestakis) on distributive politics in Greece, I wanted to … Continue reading “Local Government and Its Captivity by National Electoral Interests”

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City-REDI / WM REDI Round Up – April 2021

Events – presenting work/speaking engagements On the 19th of April, Professor Simon Collinson presented at the CBI national Urban Revival Conference Series looking at how towns and cities can thrive post-pandemic and how businesses can contribute to the revival of urban life. Media engagements The State of Region report, produced by the WMCA and WM … Continue reading “City-REDI / WM REDI Round Up – April 2021”

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West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 30th April 2021

Following the easing of lockdown key indicators are showing the start of a return to normal. Footfall statistics indicate that people are more comfortable with leaving home, but the majority of people still feel the pandemic is having a worrying effect on their lives. The latest skills data shows a significant improvement; however, this should … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 30th April 2021”

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Serendipity Doesn’t Have to Be Left to Chance

In the final blog of a series exploring the power of anchor institution networks, Conrad Parke discovers that what sometimes looks like serendipity is really intent. This blog was first published on the CLES website.  You can view the other blogs below:  Anchor Network Supply Chain Hub: A Proposal Anchor Institution Networks: One Idea, Many … Continue reading “Serendipity Doesn’t Have to Be Left to Chance”

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West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 16th April 2021

The latest GDP figures indicate the scale of recovery required as service businesses, including shops, restaurants and hairdressers, begin to re-open their doors this week. However, unlike the recessions of the past, many jobs have been retained (due to furlough and other government schemes), and as lockdowns are in place, many individuals have saved up … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 16th April 2021”

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Covid-19 and Business: Has Government Support Worked?

Alice Pugh looks at the impact of lockdown on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), what support they’ve received and how they have fared compared to their larger counterparts. Covid-19 has created significant shocks throughout the business base. In the first wave, 47% of all UK industries reported that their turnover had been lower than normal … Continue reading “Covid-19 and Business: Has Government Support Worked?”

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Meet Alice Pugh, New Policy and Data Analyst for City-REDI / WM REDI

I am Alice Pugh and I recently joined the City-REDI team, as a Policy and Data Analyst; having previously worked with City-REDI as a Research Associate. I graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University in 2019 with a degree in BA Economics, where my dissertation surrounded austerity policy and inequality. This involved a combination of both a … Continue reading “Meet Alice Pugh, New Policy and Data Analyst for City-REDI / WM REDI”

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Intergenerational Income Mobility in the UK

On the 24th of March, City-REDI held its third external seminar featuring Dr Bertha Rohenkohl from the University of Sheffield. Intergenerational Income Mobility in the UK: New evidence using the BHPS and Understanding Society Abstract: Using a new dataset combining the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) and Understanding Society (UKHLS), this paper examines the degree … Continue reading “Intergenerational Income Mobility in the UK”

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