West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 22nd January 2021

This week we have seen significant changes in the USA with the inauguration of the 46th President; this could signal changing relationships which are yet to be understood. The current lockdown is adding uncertainty to business planning and forecasting, the impacts of the new EU trade deal are continuing to unfold, resulting in demonstrations by … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 22nd January 2021”

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The Black Country LEP Area – A Profile

Dr Abigail Taylor provides an economic snapshot of the Black Country LEP area following the five foundations of the Industrial Strategy: Ideas, People, Infrastructure, Business Environment and Place. As part of the Midlands Engine Economic Observatory work, WM REDI and the Black Country Consortium Economic Intelligence Unit developed Local Economic Partnership (LEP) level profiles. We … Continue reading “The Black Country LEP Area – A Profile”

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West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 15th January 2021

This week we have seen continuing unrest in the USA as the administration changes, increasing infection rates globally and turmoil as Brexit impacts continue to unfold in the short-term. Below is a summary of the key issues this week which influence and shape the policy issues in the region. In the USA thousands of Trump … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 15th January 2021”

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The Birmingham and Solihull LEP Area – A Profile

Dr Abigail Taylor provides an economic snapshot of the Birmingham and Solihull LEP area following the five foundations of the Industrial Strategy: Ideas, People, Infrastructure, Business Environment and Place. As part of the Midlands Engine Economic Observatory work, WM REDI and the Black Country Consortium Economic Intelligence Unit developed Local Economic Partnership (LEP) level profiles. … Continue reading “The Birmingham and Solihull LEP Area – A Profile”

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Regional Resilience: The Co-dependence of Business and Regions in Recovery

This article was written by Professor Simon Collinson for the National Centre for Universities and Business’ seventh annual assessment of the health of collaborative partnerships – The State of the Relationship Report 2020.  The article reflects on regional specialisms, the unequal impact of the disruptions of 2020 and the value of analysis of regional economies. … Continue reading “Regional Resilience: The Co-dependence of Business and Regions in Recovery”

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West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 8th January 2021

As 2021 begins, the world is faced with promise and peril according to Deloitte. They note that on the positive side, the distribution of vaccines is underway, offering the promise that, sometime later in the year, the negative impact of the virus could ultimately abate. On the negative side, they highlight the virus continues to … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 8th January 2021”

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The Impact of Covid-19 on Jobs and Skills in Birmingham

Dr Abigail Taylor discusses the impact of COVID-19 on jobs and skills in Birmingham, an area with large automotive and education sectors and a younger than average population. This blog post has been produced to provide insight into the findings of the Birmingham Economic Review. The Birmingham Economic Review 2020 is produced by City-REDI / WM REDI, University of … Continue reading “The Impact of Covid-19 on Jobs and Skills in Birmingham”

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Research Fellow Posts Available at City-REDI / WM REDI

Opportunities for Research Fellows to Work With Us at City-REDI on Our West Midlands Regional Economic Development Institute (WM REDI) Programme of Research To meet the demands of a growing range of policy-oriented research projects we are looking for 4 new members to join the City-Region Economic Development Institute (City-REDI). These posts are at the … Continue reading “Research Fellow Posts Available at City-REDI / WM REDI”

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