Serendipity: Is the Answer to the Productivity Problem Written in the Stars?

This blog was written by Carol Stanfield from Carol Stanfield Consulting who has co-authored a report for the Productivity Insights Network with Professor Anne Green and George Bramley at City-REDI.  The full report is entitled Evaluation of co-designed programmes for boosting productivity: a follow-up of selected UK Futures Programme projects. It’s not often you get to … Continue reading “Serendipity: Is the Answer to the Productivity Problem Written in the Stars?”

City-REDI and Rose Regeneration Present Research on Rural Workforce Issues at the Parliamentary Launch of the National Centre for Rural Health and Care

On the 16th October 2018, City-REDI and Rose Regeneration presented their research at the Parliamentary Launch of the National Centre for Rural Health and Care. The two organisations were commissioned by Jan Sobieraj, Chief Executive of the United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust to undertake work over the summer looking into rural workforce issues in health and care as part … Continue reading “City-REDI and Rose Regeneration Present Research on Rural Workforce Issues at the Parliamentary Launch of the National Centre for Rural Health and Care”

Raising productivity in low-wage sectors and reducing poverty

On 2nd May the Joseph Rowntree Foundation is holding a conference on Using the Industrial Strategy to support higher performance and wages in the retail and hospitality sectors. City-REDI’s Professor Anne Green and Dr Amir Qamar, along with Dr Paul Sissons and Dr Kevin Broughton at Coventry University, were commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation … Continue reading “Raising productivity in low-wage sectors and reducing poverty”

The issues facing workers today: ‘Good Work’, ‘Fulfilling Work’ and the ‘Fair Employment’ Agendas

Headline indicators of the state of the labour market in the UK today highlight employment at record levels. Data from the Labour Force Survey for the three months ending in February 2018 show that were 32.26 million people in work. This is 427,000 more than in the previous year. The employment rate (which measures the … Continue reading “The issues facing workers today: ‘Good Work’, ‘Fulfilling Work’ and the ‘Fair Employment’ Agendas”

International and Internal Labour Migration and the City – AAG Annual Meeting 2018

The American Association of Geographers Annual meeting 2018 is being held from 10-14 April in New Orleans, USA. It features over 6,000 presentations, posters and workshops by leading scholars, experts, and researchers. In attendance from City REDI, as well as giving papers and organising sessions, are Professor Anne Green, Professor John Bryson and Dr Catherine … Continue reading “International and Internal Labour Migration and the City – AAG Annual Meeting 2018”

Boosting productivity to reduce low pay

On the 6th April, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation released a report called “Raising productivity in low-wage sectors and reducing poverty“. The report was produced by Professor Anne Green and Dr Amir Qamar, City-REDI, University of Birmingham, Dr Paul Sissons and Dr Kevin Broughton, Centre for Business in Society, Coventry University. The report looks at the role … Continue reading “Boosting productivity to reduce low pay”

How Key Workers can help young people progress towards work

This blog draws on work undertaken as part of the Big Lottery Fund Talent Match Evaluation and Learning Contract. The National Evaluation is led by CRESR, Sheffield Hallam University and the research on which this is based involves IER at the University of Warwick as well as City-REDI, University of Birmingham. The blog has been … Continue reading “How Key Workers can help young people progress towards work”

Women in Economic Development Research – Why the Woman’s Voice is Crucial: Part 4, View from an Experienced Researcher

City-REDI has published a series of blogs celebrating women in economic development and the contribution we make. They are inspired by the current experience of City-REDI which is pretty unusual in its numbers of women at all levels in the team; from senior management and leading academics, through to early career researchers and project support. … Continue reading “Women in Economic Development Research – Why the Woman’s Voice is Crucial: Part 4, View from an Experienced Researcher”

Helping achieve sustained employment outcomes through in-work support

This blog draws on work undertaken as part of the Big Lottery Fund Talent Match Evaluation and Learning Contract. The National Evaluation is led by CRESR, Sheffield Hallam University and the research on which this is based involves IER at the University of Warwick as well as City-REDI, University of Birmingham. The blog has been … Continue reading “Helping achieve sustained employment outcomes through in-work support”

Shaping apprenticeships to employer, economic and individual young people’s needs – does too much reform bring risks?

Apprenticeships have a long history in England. They have their roots in medieval craft guilds. Children went away to live with host families for the purpose of being taught the skills associated with a craft. The 1563 Statute of Artificers marked the first national system of apprenticeship training in England. The Statute required seven years … Continue reading “Shaping apprenticeships to employer, economic and individual young people’s needs – does too much reform bring risks?”