Identifying Exposure: What Do the IFS Estimates on the Coronavirus Sector Shutdown Mean for the West Midlands?

On April 6th 2020 the Institute for Fiscal Studies published a briefing note about which workers are most exposed to the COVID-19 lockdown. In this blog, Tasos Kitsos looks at the relevant figures for a range of sub-national areas focussing on West Midlands Combined Authority and constituent LEPs and Local Authorities. The sectors directly affected … Continue reading “Identifying Exposure: What Do the IFS Estimates on the Coronavirus Sector Shutdown Mean for the West Midlands?”

Local Resilience and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Economic Crisis

First things first, stay in as much as possible. Never before such a simple action could have such a big impact. From protecting your loved ones to helping the economy, staying in is currently one of our best weapons. The more we stay in, the quicker we will be out of this challenge. Beyond the … Continue reading “Local Resilience and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Economic Crisis”

Is Birmingham a Just City?

The story of Birmingham’s post-industrial decline in the twentieth century is well known. However, any visitor to the city centre today can’t help but notice its urban renaissance in the twenty-first. From the revitalised New Street station to the glass tower blocks at Snow Hill, major regeneration projects are visually transforming the city. Many of … Continue reading “Is Birmingham a Just City?”

Economic Exposure to COVID-19 (Part III): The Situation in the West Midlands Region – The Sectoral Effects of a Lockdown

Like any good Hollywood blockbuster you can think of, here we finish the trilogy of blogs related to the economic exposure to COVID-19 of the West Midlands’ sectors [1]. If you are still reading this series and you are not overwhelmed yet by the amount of information (and disinformation) related to the pandemic, I hope … Continue reading “Economic Exposure to COVID-19 (Part III): The Situation in the West Midlands Region – The Sectoral Effects of a Lockdown”

Economic Exposure to COVID-19 (Part II): The Situation in the West Midlands Region – Demand for Health Services: The Invisible Indirect Workers

This is the second blog in a series on the economic exposure of the West Midlands region [1] to COVID-19. The first article talked about the effect on the main sectors and the employment depending on foreign trade, in an eventual case of international borders closure. You can read the first blog here. The second … Continue reading “Economic Exposure to COVID-19 (Part II): The Situation in the West Midlands Region – Demand for Health Services: The Invisible Indirect Workers”

Economic Exposure to COVID-19 (Part I): The Situation in the West Midlands Region – Closing the Borders

How can I help? That is the question I’ve been asking myself ever since I knew COVID-19 was approaching the UK. And it finally arrived, as expected, but it caught us unprepared, even though we have been observing speechless what was happening in many other countries around the corner, like Italy (where I have many … Continue reading “Economic Exposure to COVID-19 (Part I): The Situation in the West Midlands Region – Closing the Borders”

UK Regional Productivity Variations and What Might be Driving These

Over the past decade, the gap between the UK’s productivity performance and other OECD countries has been widening. This is due to unusually slow growth rates in UK productivity since 2010 in spite of rising employment, leading to what has been termed the UK’s ‘productivity puzzle’. Within the UK, there are also vast variations in … Continue reading “UK Regional Productivity Variations and What Might be Driving These”

When Weak Ties are Strong – Neighbour Analysis of Ethnic Enclaves

Presenter: Ozge Oner, Lecturer in Spatial Economics and Real Estate, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge On the 4th March 2020, Ozge Oner presented her research work with fellow academics Professor Johan Klaesson, Research Institute of Industrial Economics and Dr Dieter Pennerstofer, Kepler University Linz. Below is an abstract and also a video recording … Continue reading “When Weak Ties are Strong – Neighbour Analysis of Ethnic Enclaves”

A First Look at Connections Between Creative Industry Presence and the Wider Urban Economy

Creative industries have long been a focus of urban researchers and policymakers. There is a good reason for this: creative industries tend to cluster heavily in cities. In the UK, for example, 53% of creative industries jobs and 44% of firms are found in just five cities. There is a large academic literature describing these … Continue reading “A First Look at Connections Between Creative Industry Presence and the Wider Urban Economy”

Political Disenchantment and the Urban-Rural Divide: An Investigation of Social and Political Attitudes Across 30 European Countries

Presenter: Davide Luca, Research Associate, Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge. On the 12 February 2020, Davide Luca presented his research work with Mike Kenny as part of the City-REDI Seminar Series. Below is an abstract and also a video recording of the seminar with slide and audio. Abstract: Despite growing concerns about … Continue reading “Political Disenchantment and the Urban-Rural Divide: An Investigation of Social and Political Attitudes Across 30 European Countries”