7th March 2020 by

Teaching the 19th-century novel: The CLiC session at #rEDBrum

We thoroughly enjoyed the researchED Birmingham (#rEDBrum) event today. It was amazing to see teachers’ passion for CPD and research – on a Saturday! Many thanks to Claire and Andy for putting together such a fantastic event with a brilliant programme! It can be really hard to choose sessions at researchED because you inevitably miss out on all the great stuff happening in parallel. We really enjoyed sessions on a range of important topics – for example, initial teacher education in the keynote by Amanda Spielman (@amanda_spielman), decision making (& thinking!) strategies for school leaders by Claire Stoneman (@stoneman_claire), Andy Brown’s (@brown_andrew86)⁩ session on CPD and the importannce of sharing subject knowledge, Marcello Giovanelli (@mmgiovanelli) demonstrating applications of cognitive stylistics for teaching poetry and Chris Curtis’s (@Xris32) argument for bringing talk & dialogue into the classroom to create flow…

Our most packed workshop yet – luckily researchED delegates are a fantastic, engaged audience

Our own session focused on teaching the 19th-century novel and was based on findings from our CLiC Fiction research project (that started out as “CLiC Dickens”). We introduced delegates to our CLiC web app – and as the session proved much more popular than we anticipated, we didn’t have quite enough desktop computers (not to mention chairs), but luckily CLiC also runs on mobiles – and researchED attendees are happy to sit on the floor for the sake of learning something new!

Download the materials from our session:

For a copy of the slides with higher-resolution screenshots / images please get in touch by leaving a comment below or via Twitter / by email! (We had to reduce the quality to upload them here!)

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We have a newsletter that goes out every few weeks with news on resources and events we’re attending or organizing. Browse our past newsletters and join the mailing list here.


If you attended the session – or if you go through the resources above in your own time – you would help our work immensely by filling out the short feedback survey for this session. It’s really important for us to know what would help you in the classroom – we try to improve the CLiC features and expand the texts based on your feedback!

Today’s audience

We were so happy to hear from some of you via Twitter already (see some examples below). Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions you might have as you try out CLiC for your lesson planning, in class with your students – or even just for fun ;)!

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