CLiC in the classroom

Lorraine Adriano has taught in secondary schools in England and Italy. She was curriculum leader for KS3 and Head of Department, developing schemes of work and assessments. Lorraine now teaches English language and English literature  years 7-13 at Bishop Walsh Catholic Secondary School. She is an examiner for both English language and English literature at GSCE and is … Continue reading “CLiC in the classroom”

5 March 2018 by

Is there light in the heart of darkness?

Lorenzo Mastropierro (@Lo_Mastropierro on Twitter) is a Teaching Associate in Literary Linguistics at the University of Nottingham. Lorenzo is the Assistant Editor for the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. He has recently published his monograph Corpus Stylistics in Heart of Darkness and its Italian Translations. Now Heart of Darkness is also available in CLiC and … Continue reading “Is there light in the heart of darkness?”

20 February 2018 by

Dickens and the History of Literary and Linguistic Computing – a (very) short retrospective

Martin Wynne (@MartinJWynne on Twitter) is a digital research specialist at the University of Oxford. Martin is based in the Bodleian Libraries, where he is responsible for the Oxford Text Archive, which also involves managing the distribution of the British National Corpus (BNC). From almost the very beginning of the digital era, people have used computers to help them to … Continue reading “Dickens and the History of Literary and Linguistic Computing – a (very) short retrospective”

6 February 2018 by

CLiC and Dickens’s not-so-conspicuous techniques of characterisation: Reporting verbs

Pablo Ruano San Segundo (@pablo_uex on Twitter) is a Lecturer at the University of Extremadura, Spain. He is a member of the CLiC Dickens Advisory Board and is an expert on reporting verbs in Dickens’s novels. In this post Pablo shares how he uses CLiC in his research. The creation of Dickens’s most memorable characters … Continue reading “CLiC and Dickens’s not-so-conspicuous techniques of characterisation: Reporting verbs”

13 January 2018 by

CLiC Dickens Day: our end-of-project celebration at the BMI

The AHRC-funded CLiC Dickens project has officially come to an end. We celebrated the successful conclusion of the project with our CLiC Dickens Day, at the Birmingham and Midland Institute (BMI), on 1 December. As Charles Dickens was one of the early presidents of the BMI, the venue was particularly suitable for our event. The … Continue reading “CLiC Dickens Day: our end-of-project celebration at the BMI”

6 December 2017 by

The GLARE 19th Century Children’s Literature Corpus in CLiC

Anna Čermáková is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow on the EU-funded GLARE Project [“Exploring Gender in Children’s Literature from a Cognitive Corpus Stylistic Perspective”] at the University of Birmingham. She is a member of the CLiC Dickens advisory board and her main research interests are in corpus linguistics and particularly in corpus stylistics. She is also interested in literary … Continue reading “The GLARE 19th Century Children’s Literature Corpus in CLiC”

28 November 2017 by

Event announcement: 1 December is CLiC Dickens Day

We are excited to announce that we will celebrate the successful conclusion of the CLiC Dickens project with a CLiC Dickens Day on 1 December. A half-day of talks and workshop activities will be followed by an evening programme consisting of a drinks reception and a dramatic reading. The workshop activities will illustrate exercises that can be … Continue reading “Event announcement: 1 December is CLiC Dickens Day”

10 October 2017 by

CLiC guest post on the ‘Programming Historian’ blog about the ‘fireplace pose’ in 19th century fiction

We are very pleased to announce a CLiC guest post on the PH blog, the blog accompanying the widely popular Programming Historian (PH) digital tutorials. In our guest post, we explain how the KWICGrouper feature in CLiC can be used to explore textual patterns that are shared across novels and point to socially and culturally relevant behaviours and … Continue reading “CLiC guest post on the ‘Programming Historian’ blog about the ‘fireplace pose’ in 19th century fiction”

22 September 2017 by